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Downloads and Instructions
Making Waves for Webpages

You will need a program like Napster to download
MP3 files... It can be found at
Make the following new folders in your C drive:
Waves and Waves4WebPages.

Then download the following...

MP3 Decoder
Download to desktop, unzip and then Install
- place icon on desktop when prompted during
installation. When installation is complete
you can delete the zip file.
(Keep your puter clean-*S*)

MP3 Sound Recorder
Download to your desktop.


INSTRUCTIONS for changing an MP3 into a
wave file for a webpage:

1. Open your MP3 decoder and click on the
button that looks like a FILE in the upper
left corner of the box...

2. Locate the MP3 you wish to convert and
select DECODE...(make your destination
file the new wave folder you made earlier - C:Waves) the
MP3 file will convert to wave file and you can
find it in that folder

3. Close decoder.

OPEN your sndrec32 (Sound Recorder)

The wave file you just made with your decoder is too big for a
webpage so you need to compress it. The sound
recorder will do this for you.

1. Click on file>>open... then locate and
select the wave you just decoded by double
clicking on the wave file... the file will
load into the sound recorder

2. Select file>>properties>>click on the
'convert now' tab.

3. A new box will open - go to >>name and
scroll to find 'webpage' then click ok and
it will compress the file.(the first time you
you do this you will have to configure the
'webpage' properties... to do this go to >>name
and scroll up to [untitled], then in the format box
scroll up to >>MPEG Layer 3, then in the
attributes box scroll all the way down to
>>18kBit/s, 11,025 Hz, Mono 2KB/s.
Press the save as tab and title it webpage.
You won't have to do this again.)
Press ok and it will compress your wave.

4. Once the file is compressed select
file>>save as ... name your file a simple
name so you can find it for your page and
put it in your waves4webpages folder.

Congratulations! You just made a wave file for your web page!