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The Hot Rodders Of 2002

Our club kicks ass and you should join, the people in the club so far are:

We’re all in 8th grade but no body ever gives me their picture so I just found some of the guys enjoy

Cory Layton (8th grade pic, 7th grade pic)

Kenny Keller (4th grade pic)

Kyle Hatch (5th grade pic)

Kalon Ludvigson (3rd grade pic)

Colt Christianson (6th grade pic)

Dexter Rowly (5th grade pic)

Please click on the blue text next to our names to see our pics.  

We hate REJECTS so if you are a dork and cross us you will be filed in our reject file.

We do however love Hott Girls so if you’re a Hott Girl and you cross us you will be filed into our Hott Girls file.

Click here to go to get some Billy Bob Teeth.

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You can e-mail us at

and get all the imformation on the club

Copyright 2001 By Cory Layton














































 Oh by the way