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Smoking and Tobacco Policy
(Approved by the Senior Management Group) (Received by Senate May 10, 2007)

Effective December 1, 2006, Smoking is prohibited on the University of Windsor campus except in outside Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs).

The University of Windsor endeavours to provide a safe and healthy environment for work and study. The University recognizes scientific research indicating that smoking is harmful to one's health and to the health of others through second-hand tobacco smoke.The University also recognizes tobacco as an addictive substance and is committed todelivering programs and education aimed at providing protection from tobacco smoke pollutionwhile providing support for those with tobacco addictions and for smoking cessation. The objective of this policy is to uphold the University of Windsor's commitment to provide a safe and healthy smoke-free environment for the University community. The University of Windsor's Smoking/Tobacco Policy will compliment the Ontario government's recent Smoke-Free Ontario Act 2005, which prohibits smoking in enclosed workplaces, company vehicles and enclosed public places.

This policy applies to all members of the University of Windsor community, students, faculty, staff, contractors, visitors and guests. All events, including conferences and private rental functions, hosted on University property are subject to this policy. In the event that this policy conflicts with another policy or legislation, the policy, provision or law which is more restrictive of smoking will prevail. The University of Windsor recognizes and accepts aboriginal cultural practices and the sacred use of tobacco and acknowledges that some traditional aboriginal events or ceremonies involve the use of smudge sticks or other tobacco products. Such events shall receive event-specific exemption to this policy provided that the proposed activities are otherwise in compliance with current legislation. Notice must be posted to advise the campus community when and where smoke may be present in an otherwise restricted area. "Smoking" is defined as inhaling, exhaling, burning, or carrying a lighted cigarette, cigar, pipe or other apparatus used to smoke tobacco or any other materials.


  1. Smoking is only permitted in outdoor Designated Smoking Areas (DSAs), which are clearly identified by signage. Smoking is prohibited in all other areas of the campus. A map of DSAs will be available on the Occupational Health & Safety, and Student Health Services websites.
  2. Signs at building entrances and the main points of entry to the campus shall indicate smoking is only allowed in DSAs.
  3. DSAs shall include waste receptacles and may include seating. Smokers are expected to use the waste receptacles and to keep these spaces clean. Failure to do so may result in removing the affected DSA.
  4. DSAs are selected by Facility Services and endorsed by the Office of Occupational Health & Safety. DSAs must be located a minimum of ten metres away from all: building entrances, windows, walkways, air-intake vents, freestanding shelters, stadium seating, buildings, overhangs, loading docks, and any flammable or combustible materials.
  5. Implementation of this policy shall be accompanied by an educational awareness campaign regarding the parameters of this policy and relevant current legislation. In each subsequent school year, there shall be at least one such educational awareness campaign.
  6. All members of the University of Windsor community should take responsibility for a safe and healthy campus environment. Accordingly, everyone should uphold and communicate this policy by encouraging smokers to use the DSAs.
  7. Day-to-day implementation and enforcement of the policy are the responsibility of the supervisor or individual directly in charge of a specific activity or given area.
  8. Corporate tobacco sponsorship of events or groups operating in buildings, grounds or other facilities, owned, rented or leased by the University of Windsor is not permitted.
  9. The sale, promotion, advertising or distribution of tobacco products or related paraphernalia is prohibited in all buildings, grounds or other facilities, owned, rented or leased by the University of Windsor.
  10. In the event of unresolved non-compliance issues using the above approach, the following protocol should be implemented:

Students: Formal complaints should be lodged with the individual responsible for compliance in a particular area. Every effort will be taken to resolve the complaint and ensure compliance. Students who continue to violate this policy will be subject to discipline under the Office of the Vice Provost, Students and Registrar under the University's Bylaw 31.

Employees: Non-compliance concerns should be lodged with either, the individual's immediate supervisor or the Office of Occupational Health & Safety.

Visitors and Guests: Non-compliance after being informed of The University of Windsor's Smoking/Tobacco Policy will result in being asked to leave the University property.