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Green Party



Photo by Debra Tenney

Winona at the Cloud Cliff

Bakery appearance in Santa Fe.

“We are walking upon
the faces of those
yet unborn….”

Traditional Haudonausaunee Teaching

An enrolled member of the Mississippi Band of the White Earth Anishinaabe, Winona LaDuke lives on the White Earth reservation in northern Minnesota. The mother of three, she balances family life with her activist work on numerous projects, as well as the Green Party, Nader 2000 Campaign as Nader’s Vice Presidential running mate.

A Graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities, she is the National Program Director for Honor the Earth which has worked to unify many of the public agencies on the White Earth Reservation and to work in cooperation with the largest logging company in the area, in order to conduct sustainable forestry management, based on an integrated plan utilizing a habitat classification system.


Native Harvest and Infrastructure
The Wind Energy Project
Sturgeon Recovery Project
Economic Justice/Anti-Racism Workshops
Circle Loan Fund
Young Women's Leadership Program
Nest: Language Immersion Program
Land Acquisition Project
Among others.....

Honor the Earth (Link)


Time Magazine “50 for the Future”
(America’s most promising leaders
under 40).

Reebok Human Rights Award

Ms Magazine Women of the Year Award

Ann Bancroft Women’s Leadership Award

Global Green USA Millennium Award
for Individual Leadership.


Cultural Survival Quarterly

Insurgent Sociologist

Business and Society Review

Utne Reader

Indian Country Today

Native Americas

Sierra Magazine and Radcliffe Quarterly (Link)

Last Standing Woman

All Our Relations (Link)

Talking About a Revolution: (Link)
Interviews with Michael Albert,
Noam Chomsky, Barbara Ehrenreich,
Bell Hooks, Peter Kwong, Winona LaDuke
and Manning Marable.

Photo by Debra Tenney

Winona and her 7 months old son,
Gwekaanimad, (Shifting Winds)
being interviewed by Quinn
Bumgarner-Kirby at the KUNM
Public Radio Station In Alb.


"Traditional Native values of caring for the collective, the community, for the unborn, and the seventh generation from now, are all values which resound with sustainability, with a healthy community, and a healthy environment. Those values, and how we live them in our day to day lives, represent values needed desperately in America today.

Those values, in the American political process, are perhaps best reflected in the founding principles of the Green Party, which speak to ecological wisdom, grassroots democracy, non-violence, and economic justice. In addition, the Nader/LaDuke 2000 campaign supports government to government relations with Native people andtheir representative governments, and will continue to support Native sovereignty and the responsible exercise of treaty retained rights."

Green Party Indian Platform (Link)

Photo by Debra Tenney

Activism is a great part of many Green Party member's history. Winona is seen above with fellow activist Allen Cooper (GP State Representative, District 12 Candidate) and her son, Gwekaanimad, (Shifting Winds). The two have a long history, going back 22 years, when they worked together in the Mt. Taylor Alliance to protest miner's exposure to uranium and on the issue of coal miner safety.

Winona has a long history of activist work in New Mexico. She worked with coalitions in preparation for litigation in cases including the Consolidation Coal Stipp Mine in Burnham, The Church Rock Uranium Mine in Gallup, the Mt. Taylor Uranium Mine as well as several other coal and uranium mines in the Four Corners area.

Winona worked for the New Mexico Indian Environmental Education Project and the National Indian Youth Council in 1978.She was a legal researcher on the environmental, hydrological, social and economic impact for all these organizations.


Chief White Cloud

Remain close to the Great Spirit

Show great respect for all your fellow beings

Give assistance and kindness wherever needed

Be truthful and honest at all times

Do what you know to be right

Look after the well being of mind and body

Treat the Earth and all that dwell thereon with respect

Take full responsibility for your actions

Dedicate a share of your efforts to the greater good

Work together for the benefit of all mankind

Photo by Debra Tenney

Winona with Women from Morning Star: (From left to right) Joyce
Knows His Gun (Northern Cheyenne); Gwendolyn D. Packard (Lower
Brule/Yankton Dakota); Winona, Glenabah Martinez (Taos Pueblo);
Jennie DeGroat (Dine').

Morning Star is a community-based advocacy program for Indian women and children and is a grass roots initiative that came about in response to an urgent need for emergency housing and support services for American Indian victims of domestic violence in Albuquerque." They also provide advocacy and educational support for their clients.

Winona founded the Indigenous Woman’s Network in the 1980’s and is presently a Board Co-chair for the Indigenous Women’s Network.

Plenary speech by Winona LaDuke as the Co-Chair of the Indigenous Women Network, & Program Director of the Environmental Program of the Seventh Generation Fund, at the Conference on Women, Bejing, China, August 31 1995.

Beijing Speech (Link)


"Now a question you may ask me is: can a person who lives in the north woods of Minnesota have thoughts big enough for national policy debate or international policy?

I would argue yes. In fact I would question the inverse. Can men of privilege -- who do not feel the impact of policies or forests, children or their ability to breast feed their children -- actually have the compassion to make public policy that is reflective of the interests of others? At this point I think not!"

Winona LaDuke - GP 2000 Nomination - Acceptance Speech(Link)

Photo by Debra Tenney

New Mexico GP State Co-chairs
Jack Uhrich and Elisheva H.
Crowell With Winona (holding her
son, Gwekaanimad), at the Indian
Cultural Center Luncheon in Alb.


At her Cloud Cliff Bakery
appearance, Alberto S.Perea
(the state appointed liaison,
coordinator for Winona visits
to New Mexico, & Vice Chair of
State Membership Committee)
gives Winona pictures he took
of the GP 2000, National
Convention in Denver

Winona and her son Gwekaanimad
with Joseph Leon, (host of
Native American Calling) after
the KUNM Radio Show interview,
in Alb.

Live Audio of Native American
Calling Interview (link)

Marvin Gladstone, GP candidate
for New Mexico Court of Appeals,
introduces fellow GP candidates:
Allen Cooper (Holding Winona's
son, Gwekaanimad), (State
Representative, District 12)
Winona LaDuke & Cliff Bain
(Public Regulation Commission,
District 3) at the Indian Cultural
Center, in Alb.

Zubi Wilson, (Santa Fe County
Commission District 5), with
GP Candidates, Melissa McDonald,
(GP Candidate, County
Commission, District 2),
Winona (Vice Presidential
Candidate), & Marvin Gladstone
(New Mexico Court of Appeals),
at the Cloud Cliff Bakery
appearance in Santa Fe.

Gilbert Sanchez, former Governor
of San Ildefonso Pueblo and long
time activist, dining with Winona
at the Cloud Cliff Bakery, in
Santa Fe.

Winona Speaking at the John A.
Little Theater, in Santa Fe.


Boston, Mass., Oct 1,
Bozeman, MT., Oct 3,
Lexington, KY., Oct 4
Danville, Ky., Oct 5
Raliegh, NC., Oct 5
Window Rock, Arizona, Oct. 8
New Jersey, Oct. 11
Lawrence, Kans., Oct. 13
Lawrence, Oct 14
Minneapolis, Minn., Oct 16
Chicago, Ill. Oct., 17
Stevens Point, WI., Oct 18
Keshena, WI., Oct 19
Green Bay, WI., Oct. 20,
Salt Lake City, Ut., Oct 27-28th,
University of Colombia, Nov. 2.


Green Party of New Mexico
New Mexico, Green Party Platform
New Mexico, Green Party Candidates
Vote Nader


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