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The Scorpio

"What everyone should know about a Scorpio"

Symbol: Scorpion
Element: Water
Ruler in the body: Throat
Planetary ruler: Pluto
Day of the week: Tuesday
Colors: Red/Black
Gem: Garnet
Key words: "I desire"

~The Scorpio Profile~

Scorpio is the most powerful sign in the zodiac, and it is no wonder Scorpios have a reputation for being mysterious, complex and intense. They are ruled by the planet Pluto, which governs sex, death, transformation, and atomic power. Consider the force that results from splitting an atom, and you will understand the power, will, and intense emotions Scorpios possess. Scorpio seeks to harness desire through will. Consequently, a Scorpio is not fond of weakness in himself, nor in others.

Because the Scorpio feels things so intensely, they appear to be extremely private, and almost secretive. Their reputation for secrecy, however, is born more out of the difficulty the have articulating their emotions than a wish to keep them to themselves. However, when a Scorpio does speak, others should watch out, for they speak the absolute truth, whether it be good or bad. A Scorpio will remain silent rather than water down their opinions with feelings. Had a Scorpio ever revealed a secret to another, he or she had better not reveal him, such a betrayal will never be forgotten. Scorpios rarely get mad, but we do get even.

Scorpio's key words, "I desire", reflect the passion that drives this sign, for if Scorpios draw from their considerable arsenal of power, they can, will, and do accomplish great things. Because they have such an incredible drive, they usually invest themselves fully in whatever project, carrer, cause, or person they persue. Because they possess such an incredible endurance, they always stay with whatever or whoever they have committed themselves to until the end, no matter how hopeless the circumstances. Because of this, it is vital that thr Scorpio consider any serious course of action or relationship before getting involved. Managerial and executive positions often answer the scorpio's inate desire for power and control, it also suits their uncanny ability to understand the motivations of others. Because Scorpios are perfectionists and extremely diligent workers who strive for excellence, they are adept to many proffessions. With their inquisitive minds and their ability to get straight to the heart of any matter, they make fine therapists, researchers, consultants, and detectives.

Although they tend to be loners, Scorpios need to work in a nurturing enviroment. Critical, restrictive surroundings strike the very heart of their greatest fears, rejection. The Scorpio reponds best when given the opportunity to focus on a specific area of responsibility, left alone to do their work, and always shown appreciation. And as you may well know, a pat on the back goes a long way with a Scorpio, who will return the praise ten fold in stellar performance.

As for love and romance, Scorpio has long been typecast as the sexual sign of the zodiacs. Certainly those of us born under the sign are usually very magnetic, have a strong physical presence and penetrating eyes, and are very skilled lovers, paying attention to detail. However, sex alone will never be enough to satify an evolved Scorpio. The Scopio desires unconditional love and will ardently pursue his heart's desires. Scorpio's deeply emotional nature causes him to become extremely attatched to loved ones, and this attatchment often manifests itself as jealousy and possessiveness. Scorpios are capable of profound love and are very committed to a relationship once they choose a partner, but this usually doesn't occur until later in their lives. Not only are Scorpios capable of tremendous love, they make great workers for a cause, for their passion motivates others to contribute their efforts also. As a Scorpio, we have the capacity to transform not only ourselves and those we love, but society in general when we put our considerable drive to work for the good of others. Charity is another expression of our ability to love on a more spiritual level. Make no mistake about it, the complex Scorpio takes others to the heights and depths of their souls.

Like every astrological sign, Scorpio has positive and negative attributes and the ability to chosse which qualities to express. The typical Scorpio must remember that if he doesn't act according to his better qualities, others will view him as manipulative, self-serving, and power-hungry. If, however, we must learn to harness our tremendous feelings and healing power in order to better ourselves and in order to be greatly fulfilled. Anyone who knows a Scorpio, knows that he goes through periods of personal upheaval.

The Scorpios compatibility with the other signs is shown easiest by looking at nature for examples. In nature, some elements are more compatible and blend more easily than others, like fire and air, and earth and water, the same holds true in astrology. Therefore, some signs naturally interact more hamoniously than others. The following information describes how Scorpio tends to relate to the other signs. It shows the potential stregths and weaknesses of a relationship between two signs. These are only examples and a broad guideline, in the final analisis, the choices you make are yours.

As a water sign, Scorpio is most compatible with other water signs, Cancer and Pices. The natural rapport of the water signs is due to their many intelectual and emotional simularities. The earth signs Virgo and Cappricorn make very suitable partners for the Scorpio also. Although Taurus is also a earth sign, it is Scorpio's polar opposite in the zodiac, so the relationship would be a bit more chalenging than one with one of the other earth signs. In nature, "water nourishes earth, and earth gives water form", and the same holds true in astrology. This is the reason earth and water signs are basically compatible. The fire signs, Aries, Leo, and Sagitarious, represent less suitable candidates for scorpio because of their elemental differences. The fire and water signs are both feeling-oriented, but they express themselves quite differently. Water can dampen fire's enthusiasm, while fire can prove to be to much for water. Fire and water can form a steamy, combustible combination, but odds are that the relationship will be stormy than serene. The air signs, Gemini, Libra, and Aquarious, are perhaps the least suitable sign for Scorpio because air and water signs are so functionally different. Social, changeable, and prone to flights of fancy, the air signs may be too outgoing and inconsistant for intense and private Scorpio. Scorpio needs a partner who can ultimately smoothe and/or provide a stabilizing influance.

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Your Sign Explained