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Rules of Engagement

Rule #1 If it don't go "BOOM"!!, it's a dirt problem.

Rule #2 Never, under any circumstamces, leave a woman un-attended while there are AMMO troops in the vicinity.

Rule #3 Foul language is a trait inherent to AMMO troops.

Rule #4 Do not turn your back on an un-opened, or for that fact, an open alcoholic beverage.

Rule #5 Always trust an AMMO troop, they will only lie to you for your own protection.

Rule #6 Always let an AMMO troop drive, they know where they are going, unfortunately, they don't always know where they are at.

Rule #7 Never let an Ammo troop file anything. (enough said)

Rule #8 Do not attemt to scare an AMMO troop, you never know what they have in their hands.

Rule #9 Do not lie to an AMMO troop, pay backs are a bitch!!!!

Rule #10 Do not attempt to embarress an AMMO troop, they do just fine on their own.

Rule #11 Periodic AMMO calls are mandatory for all AMMO troops. NON AMMO troops are encouraged to observe them, however, any pagan rituals observed must be kept secret at all costs.

Rule #12 Only regular and honorary AMMO troops are allowed to make AMMO calls. (i.e., IF You Ain't AMMO, You Ain't Shit!!!!)

Rule #13 If an AMMO troop breaks into a dead run, please try to keep up!!

Rule #14 Although friendly aquisition of munition, components, parts, or all up rounds is the preferred way, violence and all out thievery are also acceptable means of procurement.

Rule #15 AMMO troops are very supportive of the self-help program.

Rule #16 Do not place pets, fingers, hands, or any other limbs next to an AMMO troop while at a barbeque. (i.e., "feeding frenzy")

Rule #17 Un-attended women are always welcome at any AMMO social function. Note: See rule #1.

Rule #18 Tuxedos, suits, ties, and shiney oxfords are not acceptable dress standards for any AMMO troop.

Rule #19 AMMO troops tend to say what is on their minds, so feel free to be offended upon your departure.

Rule #20 If in doubt or there is a problem, refer to Rule #1.



The Reaper
AMMO Carrerfield