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Rian's Arrival

Keegan sat in a molded plastic chair staring at an over-priced vending machine. Her hair was in two low pigtails and she was wearing a gray Columbia sweatshirt and jean shorts. Her, Sara and Dan had gotten up early that morning to go to the airport to pick up the new addition to their family, Rian Alexander Murphy. He was a 15 year old trouble maker from queens burro New York. Keegan had always wanted an older brother, so she couldn't wait for the plane to land. But this was really boring. Airports were no fun, and they had gotten up so early, she couldn't even bring Ivy with them. "This Sucks." Keeg thought. Just then Sara came over.
"Are you hungry Keegan? Your father and I are sorry we had to skip breakfast, but do you want chips or a candybar or something?"
"No, I'm not very hungry. Is the plane gonna be here soon?"
"I hope so." Mrs. Temp put two quarters into the machine. "I am SO hungry lately! I have no IDEA why." Sara took her food and walked over to the window by her husband. Keegan glanced around the room, her large green eyes roaming the faces for someone to talk to. As she scanned to people in the airport, she felt someone tap her shoulder. She looked up into the smiling face of a boy with long blonde hair who looked about 13 or 14 years old.
"Hi," he said.
"Hey, how's it goin'?" greeted Keeg. "Oh my gawd," she thought, "This kid looks EXACTLY like Zac Hanson."
"Pretty good," He answered. "So what's your name?"
"Keegan North. Or Keegan Temp. Whatever you want my last name to be."
"Cool. Why the undecisive name? Oh, by the way, I'm Zac Hanson."
"I was adopted about a month ago, and I haven't decided to change my last name or not. Nice to meet you Zac." "I was right!"
"Come walk with me."
"Okay, but I can't go far, when the plane lands I get a new brother."
"Cool, how old's your brother gonna be? 1? 2?"
"15. You're tall."
"Well you're short!"
"I'm glad you could figure that one out!!"
"So, do you live here? In this town I mean?"
"Nope, in Angel Fire. 1421 Park St."
"COOL! We're going to Angel Fire! Today too I think! I live three states to your left. We're just 'visiting'."
"So do you know what your brother's name is?"
"Yeah, it's Rian Alexander Murphy."
"Whoa, long name."
"Mine's the EXACT same length."
"That's kind of odd."
"No kidding. I think we should probably go back. The plane might be here now."
"Okay." They started walking back. When they got to the place where they had met at, the plane had just landed. As Keegan and Zac watched the passengers begin to unload, an older blonde boy, most likely Taylor (*duh*), came up to them.
"Zac, we've been looking EVERYWHERE for you!!"
"Really? Cool! I'm WANTED!!"
"Oh god, come here and stop annoying people!"
"Okay, okay, just wait a second." He turns to Keegan, whom Taylor hasn't noticed yet. "Keeg, can I have your phone number so I can call you? Oh yeah, meet my brother Tay."
"Keegan reaches into her pocket and grabs her tiny pen and paper she always has there. She scribbles her name and phone number and hands the paper to Zac. "Here, nice to meet you Tay. I'm Keegan North, but I've gotta go, my new brother's here! See ya Zac!" She rushes off without another word and finds her parents, who are slowly advancing towards the doors where Rian will come in. Tay pulls Zac away roughly and they go to find the rest of their family. A boy with longish brown hair down to his chin, brown eyes, and a Yankees hat comes through the door escorted by a woman in her mid-30s. He is tall, and he's wearing all black. The woman walks over to Mrs. and Mr. Temp, shaking their hands. The Temps both hug Rian. Then Sara turns to Keegan.
"Rian, this is your new sister Keegan. She's also adopted, she's been with us for about a month now. Keeg, will you help Rian get his things while we discuss legal stuff?"
"Sure mom." Keegan motions for Rian to follow her. He does. He has a small duffel bag with a skateboard strapped to it in his hand. The new siblings walk together towards the baggage claim.
"Who're those two guys I saw you with when the plane landed?" Rian had a low calm voice.
"That was Zac and Taylor Hanson. I met Zac here while I was waiting for your plane and then his brother came looking for him."
"Hansons? I guess that's cool." Kee loved the way Rian talked! It was so soft and deep. He seemed like he was going to be a really cool brother.
