So, You have found my place on the web. I hope you like the design and concept.
Since I started making this page in June 97 I have made three big "updates".
This last one (June 98) is a lot smaller then the ones before! I took away all the crap on the page and now it only contains the most important stuff like this text.
I used to have alot of Java and such shit but I no longer see the point in it.
This page is built in pure HTML because I can´t understand the stupid editors.
The one who made it (me) have been given the name Björn Torstensson and I live 30 km outside a town called Halmstad. This little town is a Swedish one.

Check out my new [Swedish cites page] or maybe you´ll like my [Mp3 playlist]
This page is best viewed with [Internet Explorer 4.0] and in screen area 1074 × 768.
Because the page is made only with this browser it will look like SHIT if you don´t use it! The same goes for the resolution.

Mp3-2000 SUC Winamp
Awards Nettrade Inter
Mirabilis Files Modarchive

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Björn Torstensson 1998
Last updated: 98-10-01
Javascrip Town--Scroll Script