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This page is for Vampires every where. And if you are not either, why are you here? Are you curious? Wishing you were like us? Come with me. I will set you free. The gates of opertunity have opened! Okay. The reason I even put this page up was to put across the idea of Vampirism as a true religion. I don't sleep in coffin's, fear cross's, fear the sun, etc. However, I do consume blood and choose not to walk in the sun except when I am forced to do so. So quit yer bitchin'!

This site IS NOT A VtM related piece of shit! If you are a RPG'er, and looking for game shit, please get the fuck out. This page is definatly not for you.

Click Here to see my goth/vampire opinions page it has lots of ramblings, and if you want me to rant about something, let me know. I will do...My Crow Fan Page. Click here to see my Manson fan page. For some comedy about shitty music, click here for my anti rap page.

You can be promised you immortality. You just have to prove your faith in this world. To do this, you must follow the Eleven Vampiric Rules of Earth. Here they are in their original forms:

I. Keep to your self.

II. Do not tell anyone your troubles unless they want to hear them.

III. When in anothers lair, treat them with respect.

IV. If a guest in your lair does not, treat him cruelly and without mercy.

V. Only mate with your kind.

VI. Do not take anything that does not belong to you, unless it is a burden to the owner.

VII. Do not kill unless for protection, unless you need food.

VIII. Do not complain about anything to which you need not subject yourself.

IX. Do not harm little children, unless you are forced to.

X. Do not kill non-human animals unless attacked or for food.

XI. When in open territory, bother no one. If they bother you, ask them to stop. If they don't, destroy them.

Ways to tell you are a real Vampire: (this is humor, not a real test.)

1. If you hate the sun.

2. You have the urge to drink blood.

3. You swear the night calls your name.

4. Your eyes lure people near you.

5. You get hungry while watching "Faces of Death" movies.

6. You have a urge for blood.

7. You have a fetish for necks.

8. You constantly have a hunger which cannot be filled by food.

I will respond to any comments or questions unless you are a total idiot.

Etch Your Name in Stone Guestbook by GuestWorld Hear the cries of the damned

The spirit of the night comes to us all.



Check out the links to go to my other pages. So it is scrawled in blood, as it is done.

Send me some damn email!

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Master Grivôn
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Tina the Troubled Teen The Weather in Hell

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Pathway to Darkness: The Number One On-Line Vampire resource

Vampires, freaks, religious activists, posers, whores and otherwise Vampire hating morons have been here since I put this web page up.

Piss on shitty music