WiLdw00d 2003

...tHe PicTuReS...

OuR cReW

My Greg!!!!! We hung out with him at the Boardwalk Mall the one day and then we hung out at the arcade. And he was sooo madd fricking hott and he had Green Shoes and stalked us back. I love him!
Abe...he was one of our "Bench Guys." We hung out with him and Marian and Cris for awhile. They smelled soooooo fricking good. And Marian had a snake as his penis. LMAO Erin. And sorry about the picture. I kinda missed Erin's head.
Thor (left) and Joe (right.) Check out those shirts. And then we were on the rollercoaster with them.
What a cheap slut.
Steven. And his pretzel (well you can't see it in the picture.) And he had the coolest ghetto sisters from New York. They loved us.
Holy Christina Aguilera hair.
Erin and her funnel cake. And the really hott guy behind her that you probably can't see.
My nephew Jake.
My sister, Jess, and her husband, Jimmy.
Jim. He was a cool guy. We hung out with him, Kyle (see below), and Ryan for like ever. They were from Downingtown and West Chester. And they didn't believe that Womelsdorf was real. Land of the fricking turtles, people. Well anyway...We hung out with them until they went back to the car to drink. And Jim was especially cool because he helped us hide from Jose the Stalker. Oh yeah. And we were telling them about our need to waste pictures, and Jim said that he was going to go under the boardwalk and take pictures of his dick for us. But that didn't happen...
Kyle. He was awesome. This picture sucked because he wouldn't let me take his picture, so I did it totally randomly. He was mad hott. One of mine.
That would be Shane. Our stoner. He was 22. We bought shirts from him. He loved us. But he couldn't legally miss us. We visited him like 5 times. It was great. And he cared about us. But he didn't at the same time. Yeah well. He has a shirt that says "Cannabis" on it, so he's just cool.
This is Paul.

RaNdoM pHoToS

These are Paul's Balls.
The place we stayed at with the fucked up shower, toilet, and *whispers, NIGGERS, whispers*
It's a you-had-to-be-there thing. Burger frickin King.
We needed to waste pictures, so I took one of a hott guy in a car. But we didn't realize until after the picture was taken that he had a girl. I fucking hate girls.
This place is the effing jam. (It's really the Boardwalk Mall. But I don't have mad good photo skills.) It's where we met Greg the first time and chilled with the cool sticker guy. And I got my Sex Wax there. For the board I don't even have.
Watch the tram car, please. And. Note to self: Pictures appear farther away in camera than in actuality. As in, I almost got hit by a tram car while I was taking this picture.
It was really funny at the time.?
So was this. And it still is. A fucking bird with a McDonald's cup in it's mouth.
New Jersey people have weird lights. And they don't yield to pedestrians.
The place where we first got our tattoos. Don't ever go there.
Erin's tattoo around her bellybutton.
My tattoo (it's a bat) on my lower back.
And that is about it.

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