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Steve Loves Aja (MORE)

Hi baby. Yea those the only pics I got on my computer. After sex pics. So ya hair fucked up, YOU STILL SEXY. Anyway you were sad yesterday and I was happy, then I was sad. Now I'm happy so I'll make you happy.

So when you are feeling sad and nothing is going your way

And it feels like everyone wants to ruin your day

You'd like for nothing more then scream and fight

And not a God damn thing is goin right

You have nowhere to go and absoloutely don't know what to do

Don't forget through it all you got a nigga who love you (me)

But anyway, don't let anyone get you down. Not even me when I get selfish (which Im really sorry about). Just remember their are two categories to put people in that piss you off. 1). They do it cause they love you, but love selfish sometimes and it take alot to realize you hurtin more then you helpin. or 2). They ain't got shit on you the begin with so the only way they can get to your level is to bring you down to theirs. Just remember you above them and they'll never touch you the begin with. And if that don't help then the only thing you need to know is....

But anyway ma, I love you and when there's someone as special as you are. For every rainy day you go through there's gonna be 10 sunny ones. Beautiful people will experience beautiful things and you are gorgeous. I love you (more). Man fuck that I love you alot more, you ain't got shit on my love. See the picture below, that's me loving you more. Step ya love game up girl cause my shit on point. Love ya...