"We live our lives in our own way, never really listened to what they say
the kind of faith that doesn't fade away
we are the true believers"
The Bouncing Souls

"We are all human. It's time to prove it."
-- Anti-Flag --

"you are not alive yesterday, you are not alive tomorrow, but you are alive for that moment;
if you can grab something for that moment...
you have a chance."
-Johnny X-

You're a good kid, play the game to break your heart, you gotta get back to where you started...pay attention now, or it'll slip by. It's your heart don't let it die, leave it all behind. Whoa oh oh, catchy line. Is it true when we get old our hearts die? I heard it in a movie once and I think I know why. Life just sucks so bad it makes you wanna die. Whoa oh oh, but you get by...Life goes by. You're a good kid, you've still got the fire in you, hangin' around, you don't know what to do. Don't think too much, just let it loose! Get up, now's your chance, we are here and we make you dance. You are not alone, this is our home. Life goes by...--Bouncing Souls

I think I'll just leave that song up there forever.

Bands I like - Bouncing Souls, Flogging Molly, Strike Anywhere, Anti-Flag, Alkaline Trio, Pennywise, One Man Army, Sublime, Descendents, Grey Area, Green Day, old Blink 182, Goldfinger, Madcap, Less Than Jake, Bad Religion, Propagandhi, Ramones, Weezer, Bigwig, The Living End, Catch 22, Lawrence Arms, Allister, The Briggs (i decline), Rancid, The Cure, Good Riddance, the Vent-O-Lators, Misfits, The Damned, AFI, Fury 66, Guttermouth, NoFX, Dropkick Murphys, The Queers, H2O, Tsunami Bomb, O'Doyle Rules, Screeching Weasel, Pipedown, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Operation Ivy, Jimmy Eat World, Osker, The AceHoleS, The Horror, City Water Bandits, Burn Kate, Dirty Larry, and, of course, Billy Joel

My Favorites
Band: Bouncing Souls
Movie: The Goonies and The Return of the King
Author/Poet: Edgar Allan Poe, Dr. Seuss, and Charles Dickens
Book: Alice In Wonderland & Through the Looking Glass (Lewis Carrol) and the Redwall series; all of them (Brian Jaques)
Color: Midnight Blue
Animal: Penguins! (otters are a close second)
Comedian: George Carlin
Sport: Soccer
Fraggle: Wembley!
Convienience Store: Wawa

Mine and Eric's emo poem. Read it and be happy.
"If you live for regrets you will just regret more." - Kim
"If cretins could fly, this place would be an airport!" - Harry
"You guys are fookin awesome! Gimme an ARRRR!"-Flogging Molly
"Why does Danger Dog mean more to me than school or church?
Because those things suck."-Bart Simpson and Jeff Jenkins
"The but-ter...is the Re-pub-li-can party..." - Colonel Matterson; One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
"Man, pizza's not lookin as Italian as it used to" - Mike S. (you had to be there)
"You American?
No, actually I'm Canadian. It's just like an American but without a gun." - The Kids in the Hall
"Don't ask-I'm from New Jersey" - some kid Adam that Kim, Laura, and I met at a Flogging Molly concert
"Justin, come here and be white with me." - Kevin, in health class, to Justin Bracey, who is black.
"Dude it looks like a horror movie. - Will
Yeah, and she's holding a knife behind her back, about to stab him. - me, Laura, and Brittney
What?! What are you guys looking at? - Victor
Oh, Modern Bride." - Will
"Hypocrisy. Arrogance. Greed. The movie 'Kangaroo Jack'. Yes these are more and more reasons why foreigners hate America." - Conan O'Brien
"My kidneys are about to burst from filtering the insane amount of red, white, and blue in me." - Chris
"You see a boy with headphones on and he's boppin his head, and he's probably just enjoying listening to a funky groove. Or he could be agreeing with the rhetorics of a twisted fascist." - Dan Antopolski (saw him on Comedy Central)
"Why would I need chicken asses if I don't have a nut?" - Jeff
"When summer comes I'm gonna be blacker than black!" - Jenna P
"I'd just like to say, I love New Jersey." - Wud. Tru dat.
He's like the energizer bunny gone retarted." - Kim. Oh if only you kids knew who she was talking about.
"Jesus put me the spot like this u kno i am in the carpet rooms" - Joe. Haha I told him to say something funny.
"I've been to some funky places, and Walmart is the funkiest." - Mike S.
"Cups are for fascists!" - Aaron. Haha that was so great.
"And remember Danielle, 'Just because it rains, doesn't mean you can't have a parade.'" - Brian. You finally got in here.
"I built this cloud I can break it, the world can't change how I feel, cause I know it's a lie, my heart is real..." - Bouncing Souls
"A smile never grins without tears to begin, for each kiss is a cry we all lost" - Flogging Molly
"Nowadays the songs on the radio all, all drive me crazy..." - Sublime
"Come on now see you got a friend in me, turn to me now, we'll make it somehow, time's are tough and I won't let you down" - Madcap
"Life's too short to make others' shorter" - Propagandhi
"Not proud of my skin, not proud of where I live, I'm fuckin' proud of who I am!" - Anti-Flag
"And the waitress is practicing politics, as a businessman slowly get's stoned, and they're sharing a drink they call lonliness, but it's better than drinking alone" - Billy Joel
"Get up, now's your chance, we are here and we make you dance, you are not alone, this is our home." - Bouncing Souls
"Moments get stuck in my brain, in my blue skies and my rain, you are so beautiful to me, I can't wait to see you again." - Bouncing Souls

other stuff
Band Geek for life, bitch
I am a cracker thief
I play guitar
I play soccer
I am a vegetarian
I love Fraggle Rock
Johnny the Homicidal Maniac and Squee! are very good books
I live in Deptford, New Jersey. New Jersey is the greatest, Deptford is...not.
Shoutouts:KIM hey bff Wow I didn't know that your arms are long! Yeah I'm a sad kid I think I'm depressed..lol Kim...you can't know...it's a girl thing lol lets sit in an empty room make up drum beats and take pictures while singing Genesis! creepy fishy ahh it died! haha public safety! "What are you girls laughing at?" Haha The Oswalds! We called Jenny lol dude he called me sweety yesss ahh I love times you infinity! You you are the coolest!
Hey Laura aka Wednesday lol wallet inserts smell like pool toys.....how are you? I'm fiiinnee! Have a nice day! MAYBE I DON'T WANNA HAVE A NICE DAY!lol George Carlin is a genius! Dude what the hell was that noise you just made? lol Whoa creepy mental institution O_o.. dude he called me sweety lol you're the coolest too! And I don't care if it's spelled water, I pronounce it wudder and probly will for the rest of my life
Hey Eric, you're a great kid. Too bad you're all in Baltimore and whatnot. I hate you because you're friends with Bryan, but oh well, I love ya anyway. You're cool as hell and if you ever change I'll beat you in the face. If I can reach it. (he made me put this in here)

Good Stuff That I Recommend: Bouncing Souls - Highway Kings

"Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise than what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise"-Alice In Wonderland; the Duchess If you can grab something for that moment...you have a chance