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OOC: I give this rp a 1/2 out of 6, it sucks okay, i am in a hurry though, i dont think any1 else is rp'ing, and it is show or go so i need to post this now, my next one will rock ;)

Roleplay Number >>>


Title >>>

"Thuglife bred"

Win / Loss Record >>>


Achievements >>>




Tazz is set to make his debut into the WDW. We have seen him win championships in both ECW and WWF/WWE, so will Tazz now be able to capture WDW gold, perhaps…World Title gold??? Nobody has seen Tazz yet, or knows when he will arrive, all that is known right now is that…….HE’S COMING!


--SCENE 1--

The scene opens up and all we see is a black screen…slowly someone steps forward, black jumpsuit on, head down…with an orange towel over his head. The man raises his head slightly but not too much, he is still unrecognizable. The man speaks……

”Still Unidentified” Man: E…C….W…. I made ECW…I am the man, or at least, one of the men, that kept ECW alive!....... Then there was the WWF or WWE as they call it now….. I was screwed there! I arrived, and I was the only man that could beat Kurt Angle let alone make him tap out! But what does the “powers that be” over there do to me??? They sit me behind a desk next to Michael Cole for years! Just letting my talents go to waist…. But this…..this is a new beginning for me……this is a chance for me to start all over, this is where I will become the ultimate wrestling superstar, here I will be known as the World Champion, because I will take out anybody who steps in my path, and that includes you……….. Kane!!!

The man slowly fades away back into the blackness….now a commercial comes on to the TV screen….

BOOM BOOM (sort of like a heartbeat)








Tazz’s music begins to play and many highlights of him wrestling are shown. Then his face is shown, it is clearly him now, but with the towel still over his head. Then the scene fades to blackness and normal commercials comes on.


--SCENE 2--

We return from commercials to see the backstage hallway of an arena, obviously the arena where soon WDW RAW will take place. Michael Cole is standing in front of the camera, microphone in hand…in the distance, someone is moving. A body is walking and getting closer and closer to us. Soon he is recognizable, it is Tazz. Tazz has on black jeans, a black and orange “TAZZ” shirt, and he is currently talking on his cell phone, Tazz is now very near to the camera but just passes it by, still talking. As Michael Cole runs after one of the newest members of the WDW the camera man picks up some of Tazz’s conversation.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Hehe, please man you couldn’t be more wrong! The Spurs are going to pound the Lakers and the Mavericks-Kings series will go all seven games…

Michael Cole catches up to Tazz.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Excuse me! Excuse me! Tazz!!! I was hoping to get a few words with you! Please….Tazz!!!

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Hey man, I will call you back later……………Yeah, it’s just some stupid little kid wants an autograph or something…………………..Okay man, talk to you later.

Tazz hangs up the phone and puts it in his pocket, he turns his attention to Michael Cole, but before Tazz can say anything Cole has his mouth open again.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Stupid little kid???

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Oh sorry Cole, didn’t mean too call you little…anyway get to it already.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole:….Fine…. Well first of Tazz let me be the first to welcome you to the WDW, and………

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Actually Cole, your more like the sixth, yeah because the limo driver welcomed me, as did the pilot of the jet I came in on, and a bunch of people that saw me arrive here at the arena.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Ooooooookkkkkkaaaaaaayyyyy, well even still welcome to the WDW, I thin you will find that this place is much better to you than WWE ever was.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Well I guess we will see if that holds true Cole, I definatley got shafted in WWE, I mean come on, they put me behind a commentators table, and next to of all people….you!

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Oh come on, I think we made a pretty good team….don’t you.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Well any team having to do with me is automatically good Cole…I was the braings behind it all you know.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: A little cocky aren’t we Tazz?

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: No, Just, confident Cole, as anybody as talented as me would be. Now I just need to get in the ring and show my talents to the front offices, so I can quickly make my way to the top.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: So I guess you haven’t heard the news Tazz.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: What news?

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Well you have already been booked in a match. You are going to face Tommy Dreamer, X-Pac and Christian in a four way match as one of the pre-RAW matches this coming Monday.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Pre-RAW!?!?!? You mean as in a dark match Cole.

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Well yeah that is what most people call me them I guess.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: I can’t believe this, it is happening again. Just like in WWE I am getting shafted! I am not supposed to be wrestling dark matches!!! I am a live television kind of star, the kind of star this company needs, the kind of star that will rise to the top, win the world title, carry the ratings on my shoulders and put the fans in the seats!

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Well Tazz… you have to realize now, all the newly signed talent are automatically booked in dark matches, it is just kind of a practice thing for the front offices to get a look at you and decide how to book you.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: That still makes no sense Cole…I will tell you how to book me right now… Judgment Day, Tazz vs. Kane, WDW World Title match. How is that for booking?

”The always annoying reporter” Michael Cole: Well it sounds a little egotistical to say the least Tazz…

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: You know what Cole, I am getting a little bit sick of all your comments, you know what you can do…you can walk down this hallway to the corner, where all the monitors are, watch me go down to the ring, address the public that is already waiting to see me and then after that, you can say what is on your mind…



--SCENE 3--
We return from commercials to see the ring empty, with the fans in their seats waiting to see what is next….Just then….the lights dim and an orange spotlight appears directly under the WDW Titan-Tron….Then the heartbeats start….




Tazz’s music begins to play and the fans erupt…boldint gout of their seats and waving their signs, some of which are directed at Tazz. One says “13…ready to play!”, which is fun to look at as the number 13 flashes on the ‘Tron. Tazz appears from backstage, now with his trademark orange towel over his head. Tazz begins to walk down to the ring, looking down, towel still on his head. Tazz, reaches the ring, walks up the steal stairs, and enters the ring, he walks over to Howard Finkel and grabs a mic….Tazz removes his towel, and stands in the middle of the ring.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: So….the time has come, for Tazz to arrive. That is right ladies and Gentlemen, I am here and I am ready to start winning. I debuted in WWE roughly four years ago, arriving to defeat Kurt Angle and ruin the winning streak he was on at the time. I went on for some brief stints as Hardcore Champion, before those assholes decided that I would be much better off, sitting next to Michael Cole every Thursday night on Smackdown, doing color commentary. Now…of course that was Vince’s decision and in case you haven’t noticed Vince sort of controls my fate here as well, but I guarantee you this Vince…the moment you try to screw me over here as well, I will choke you out. So basically it goes like this Vince…you stay out of my way of winning the World Title…and I will stay out of yours….. You see I did not come here to make friends, or suffer the same way I did in WWE, I am looking to go back to the glory days of mine, the kind of days I ad in ECW, the days that I like to call, my championship days. You see I must have been out of my mind to leave ECW for WWE, but hey what can I say, they offered me a lot of money. And WDW has offered me a lot of money as well, and when they put that offer on the table and I signed the contract I figured that with the kind of money they are giving me, they most definitely want to put me in the World Title picture against Kane. But now here I am, first night at the arena, and what does my “good friend” Michael Cole inform me of, I am wrestling in a dark match! Now at first I was a bit surprised I must say, but then Cole went on to inform me that every new talent signed here gets automatically booked in dark matches for their first match. So I guess this is my first and only chance, to step into this ring right before Monday night RAW this Monday, and prove to Vince and everybody else that I do have what it takes, I have what it takes to be headlining RAW and every pay-per-view they want to book me on.

Tazz lowers the mic, scratches his chin very quickly, and starts to pace back and forth in the ring, once again raising the mic to his lips.

”The Human Wrecking Machine” “The Human Suplex Machine” “The Thug from Red Hook”…Tazz: Now, my first match around here, my “dark” match isn’t just your normal match. I hear it is a four way match. Tazz vs. Tommy Dreamer vs. X-Pac vs. Christian….hmmm….well as most of you already know, Tommy Dreamer is a very good friend of mine, we go way back, heck we have even tagged together in the past, as for X-Pac and Christian, well I really have no problem with kicking their asses, and actually I have absolutely no problem kicking Tommy Dreamer’s ass either, if it is going to get me my spot on RAW well then why the hell not. I will show him and X-pac and Christian why the call me “The Human Wrecking Machine”. Like I said, I didn’t come here to make friends, I came here to win the World Title, and if that means I have to start off by going through one of my best friends in the world as well as two other jobbers, then hey I guess Tazz has to do what Tazz has to do. Now while I was on the plane a lot of people were talking to me about these three particular wrestlers, mainly telling me how successful they have been over the years. Telling me about how many titles Tommy Dreamer won despite never winning the world title, how Christian is a sixteen time tag team champion, and how X-Pac has won every title you could ever think of. But you know what…none of that is really important to me. You see Christian being a sixteen time tag team champ doesn’t say much to me because this is singles action right here, and he doesn’t have his brother or Chris Jericho here to help him out when he is tired, there is nobody here to run and tag in when you are in trouble. This is just flat out wrestling my friend.

Tazz stares into the screen as it fades away to blackness.