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Anthony Matera's Religion Journal

Entry 3 - One of the outside readings we needed to read was the Ten Building Blocks of Catholic Social Teaching by William J. Bryon. He talks about the ten principles of Catholic social teaching. The ten principles are: Human Dignity, Respect for Human Life, Assoiciation, Participation, Preferential Protection for the Poor and Vulnerable, Solidarity, Stewardship, Subsidarity, Human Equality,and Common Good. The one that I believe relates to major issues in today's society is the second one which is Respect for Human Life. It says in the article that "Every person, from the moment of coception to natural death, has the inherent dignity and a right to life consistent with that dignity." Human life at every stage of development and decline and therefore worthy of protection and respect. The one major problem in today's society is the practice of abortion. Abortion by law in the United States is legal but it goes against the Catholic Church and the second principle of Catholic Social Teaching. I think has Catholics we need to do our best and do everything we can to get people to realize that abortion is murder. Life starts at conception not at birth. One other problem that has a come up in the world today is Euthanasia. This is mercy killing or physician-assisted suicide. This is done when a person is in too much pain and a third party such as a doctor ends their life. This is against Catholic Social Teaching because life needs to take its course and when God decides it is time for that person to go no one should interupt. These are two issuses that need to be delt with in society and people need to learn that life is precious and only God has the right to decide when life begins and ends. Entry 4 - A big problem today in society is the family. Today in the United States more then half of those who get married eventually get a divorce. The Principle of Association which is the third Catholic Social Principle explains that the centierpiece of society is the family. The family starts with the parents and they must do the best to work everything out so they can help their children grow and develop in their earlier stages of life. Divorce is the easy way out in relationships. The Catholic Church does not believe in divorce and today in society we must do our best to what is best for children because it effects them the most. Entry 5 - One of the other major problems in today's is Human Equality. Human Equality is the ninth of the ten Principles of Catholic Social Teaching. This is a big problem today in the United States and has been for sometime. For the last 100 years people have been fighting for Human Equality whether it has been women or African Americans. All people today should be treated fair no matter race, color, or ethnic background. The church and even the United States tries to teach us that everyone is created equal. In life it is only right that everyone gets a fair shot to be the best they can be.