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a l a S K A

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20 Questions

alaSKA update!

3/18 Ignore the last comment, we asked Dan Tiene to be our sax player but hes not into joining a band. if you play sax and want to join talk to one of us...yeah and other than that we are practicing this weekend and plan to finish Hey Zus with a trumpet solo and also to at least get most of a new one made. check out Hey Zus lyrics on the page that says...lyrics.

3/16 We might be getting a new member-alto sax! I won't tell you who until we ask him...check back for an update on that.

3/14 hey! we are back, and better than, umm, ever? yeah well last night we had a practice and we improv-ed a song up and that kinda became our first ska original. i wont tell you much now but the title so far is Hey Zus and it involves jesus robbing a bank. i think it totally kicks all those crappy emo bands asses. definatly check for updates because we plan to spend the next month or so working our asses off to make songs so check for updates and, just maybe, some shows. feel free to contact any of our band members about shows because once we are ready, which wont be too long, we will play any and every show.
