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  Welcome to Comics 'N Coasters, my site that was formerly known as My Site of Stuff! Here you will find my comic creations and theme park photo masterpieces. The links to each page are on your left, as you can plainly see. Here on the main page are the latest site news, random images, site updates, page descriptions, and whatever else may need to be up. Please secure any loose articles and remain seated for the duration of the ride. Dispatch, enjoy your ride! :)


Latest Updates


- Major SFGAdv Pics update: Many new images, redesigned pages
8/13/04 - New Comic: Mr. Twig #35
7/19/04 - New Comic: Mr. Twig #34

 8/21/04   EMajor Update on the Great Adventure Pics page is now up! Now each coaster has its own page, full of stats and pictures of that coaster. Plus, there are many new pics that were taken earlier this week. Enjoy!

  Mr. Twig #35 is now up! Enjoy! Also, please join my forums and start posting!

  Yes, yet again, I finally have another Mr. Twig episode up, Mr. Twig #34! Enjoy!

  Welcome to the beginning of the newly redesigned Comics 'N Coasters Site! Yes, this is probably design #5 in the history of the site, but hey, I think a little change does no harm. Also, join the Comics 'N Coasters Forums today! (Link on the left)

These are the pages here at Comics 'N Coasters, with descriptions of what you'll find on them.
COMING EVENTUALLY! Please use the links on the left side of this page to go ahead.