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Do my parents like me? What if my brother was not my parents' child and was a complete stranger and one day, he met my parents. They would like him becuase he is really likeable and has a good personality. A people person. If I was a complete stranger and they met me one day, would they like me? I'm not sure that they would. I mean, not that they wouldn't like me, but I don't think they'd think anything of me.

Go To and read Pearls Before Swine because it is funny.

Eleanor said I should write about "housewife heroine: addict to their homes" and "women suffering from suffrage", on the topic of New Years, I had a lot of fun running around banging pots and pans and having sword fights with spatulas and meeting new people that are really cool. Hi diane aka. dr. dictator/ beth/ halli and when I say halli, I mean... halli/ alyza/ rebecca/ stephen who is not jewish, but french rather/ lauren/ and khalil.. wait, I knew you already.

If you were given a choice between losing your eyesight or hearing, which would you choose? I would guess that most people would choose to loose their hearing and keep their eyesight and that is what I thought I would have picked at first, but when I think about it, losing my hearing would mean I would never be able to hear music again and that just might be enough to make me let go of my eyesight. I'll never have to make a decision like this, probably, but I was just thinking.

I've said this before, but the idea keeps popping into my head. Crazy people don't know they aren't mentally sound. So, how do I know I'm not a mental patient? How do I know I'm not really in some white room with an observation window where a doctor stands on the other side writing things on a clipboard like 'interesting. She seems to think she is at a computer typing about the possibility that she could be crazy'. How do you know someone isn't watching you through a window saying," hmm, they seem to think they are reading a webpage...

In Orson Scott Card's Xenocide, the characters discuss free will. Points are brought up including whether free will really exists or not. We punish criminals and praise altruists, but was it really their decision to be that way? Are the actions of humans determined by some outside force while they are led to believe that what we they do is by their own choice? I just thought it was an interesting idea to think about. Either that or an incredibly frustrating one kind of like thinking about forever. Forever never ends. Forever is forever. Aaaaaah! I creep myself out.

Maybe Santa being a myth is a myth. Little kids are supposed to believe in Santa and teenagers are supposed to believe that Santa is a myth, but what if neither is true and just like little ones don't find out until they get older, we won't find out the complete truth until we get older??? Is there something you 18-year-olds aren't telling us?!

I swallowed one once. No, not on purpose. When I was about 9,it just flew in there when I had my mouth open and stung me in my throat. luckily, I'm not allergic to bees because then my throat would have swollen up like a balloon and cut off my breathing and... so, anyway, I went to the emergency room and they patched me up and sent me home. Wasn't the first time I had to go directly to a doctor, for instance, the time I rolled a Trident gum wrapper up my nose. I wasn't allowed to chew gum back then and I really don't remeber what ran through my head, but it must have been something like,'since I can't chew gum, why not roll the wrapper up my nose?' It continually rolled out until one time when it didn't, so off to the doctor I went.

ELmnor~ Remember the flying paramecium you use to have? We need another one. Or you could use the slingshot to get here, either way.
Marissa~ Sorry about the incredible corniness of the christmas card or at least the right side of it and the fact that it, too, flew. was running late for lab...
KHALIL aka. Sharona~ You must learn how to get home. It may be important to your survival in the future. By the way, you are Jewish. Just thought you'd like to know.

Society would lead you to believe that in order to be sucessful in life, you have to go to college. That's not necessarily true. Here's where my problem comes in- I'm supposed to make a decision at 17, before my mind is even working straight yet, that might determine the next 70 or so years of my life. I don't want to end up spending 8 hours a day working for someone else and making just above minimum wage. Some people know exactly what they want to do with their life, so every decision they make is geared toward it. Not moi. I make decisions in the dark. MONEY MONEY MONEY. I was thinking psychiatrist, but that's the safe route. Mr. Soriano would talk to us last year about profession that is safe and will most likely keep you stable and the one that you will love, but in my case, there are way too many struggling musicians out there and I don't want to be one of them. If I could just write make music and sing for the rest of my life, that would be great, but I would be taking a risk. "They love to tell you stay inside the lines, but something better's on the other side"(John Mayer).I should use this for an OO in 4N6 next year.

Grandmas have an uncanny ability to fold them.

Not something I was cut out to do. I'm black, but I'm not Kenyan. I can sprint, but I can't run nonstop for 3 days. I'm beat after the warm-up jog. After struggling through practice, it's cool-down time. I start jogging, start falling behind, can't see the rest of the team anymore, and think to myself 'well, there is no use in getting lost', so I turn around and run back.

I need three. I need to hide them too. My sub-conscience thinks I'm going to be mad when the alarm goes off, so I sleepwalk on over and turn it off. Now, I have two radio alarms and the cat with the frying pan and the bugle that says "wake up, rise and shine!"

Everything by Orson Scott Card including Enchantment, Pastwatch, Ender's Game, Speaker for the dead, Xenocide, Children of the Mind (actually, skip Children of the Mind, becuase you could probably come up with a better ending in your own mind), Ender's Shadow, Shadow of the Hegemon, and I haven't read it yet, but Shadow Puppets. Sista Souljah- The Coldest Winter Ever. Norman Erik Keller- Geometries of the mind (scary), James Redfield's Celestine Prophecy (I don't believe in the insigts, but they are interesting) and any of the crazy things by Tom Robbins.

You can teach yourself to recognize when you are dreaming and be able to conrol it. I learned it last summer, cuz you need to do this when you have lots of time to sleep. There's sites that teach you what to do. It mostly involves thinking about recognizing dreams before you go to sleep and keeping a journal of all your dreams. It's fun~ you can do anything you want in your dreams when you can control them.

Started playin when I was 5. Never took it seriously until about 3 years ago. It means so much to me now though, because music is such a big part of me. Sitting down and playing songs that I've written is a great feeling, only I never write them on paper, which is bad becuase that's how music gets stolen, but my midi program writes it for me now as I play in on my keyboard, still I need to know how to write music correctly.

Taking a short break from TKD for 4N6

~Yo Sammy, I thought I told you before, I ain't down with that green eggs and ham grub you keep puttin' all up in ma face. I wouldn't eat em' at ma crib, I wouldn't eat em' at all, kid. I do not like green eggs and ham I do not like them, Sam I am.~ Sharona and I are doing pretty well with the duo. It's a lot of fun and considering I get to be a blue chipmunk, a wizard and a wizards daughter at the same time, I'm having fun with prose too. Where Nuts?!

I'll update this every once in a while, hopefully.

A couple years ago, I made this: LWrld

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