Stupid Ideas:
Who in the hell
thought of these?

Stupid People

Who the hell thought of these things???

  • And they wonder where and why mad cows disease popped up: Come on now... feeding livestock, ground up pieces of slaughtered cows in the cows feed. How stupid is that? Just so there was less waste of the carcass? Trying to spread profits out a weeee bit more isnt worth mad cows disease.

    In nature, Cows don’t eat cows stupid.

    Who's bright idea was that?

  • Ocean Dumping: ok, here's another no brainer. If little fishys are washing up or caught with wierd growths on 'em, um, its a clue stupid... yeah really. You need to stop the toxic dumping, or your grandchildren will inherit a much larger problem.

    Wierd fishys and frogs are indicators stupid

  • Sex Offenders: REFORM them?! Who's bright idea was THAT? Didnt anyone ever tell them that not one (NOT ONE!) single case of a sexual predator has ever been cured. Nope, not one. They are a clear and present danger to society. According to the law, your supposed to isolate them... but no one wants to violate their rights, so it isn't done. Look, either put a GPS tracking system in them or exterminate them.

    Or they'll do it AGAIN stupid

  • Death Penalty: yeah-yeah-yeah, I've heard both sides to this issue. Like it or not, its effective. Severe physical punishment is also the most effective and successful in helping deter crime/ keeping crime levels low.

    Are they rehabilitated? (NO)
    Do they re-offend? (YES)
    Is jail working? NOPE.
    Thats all I need to know


    The Southern States Are Right
    We NEED the death penalty.

These are some
of the dumbest IDEAS
(from lack of
common sense)
that people have
come up with in
that I've heard of
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