Help With Collections, Debt
Bill Collectors (and their harassment)

    They were relentless.

    There is no doubt in my mind, that if they were allowed to take a kidney in lu of the debt, they would surely do it.

    Here are a few things I learned from my adventure with those bill collectors and their harassment.

    **Keep one basic rule in your head; If it sounds like they might be stomping on your rights, odds are, they probably are.

    All of this info is available online

    Credit Cards

    Oh I’ll never own another credit card…and I am NOT kidding either. I had a couple of credit cards during my marriage. One I owed $300.00, etc. all totaling next to nothing.

    Harass me is an understatement for what those bill collectors, collection agencies did to me; all of which while I was in the mists of one court battle after another. They never tell you what they can offer you, or some of your, here, I WILL point you in some direct to find out.


    They are only allowed to call during certain hours of the day (and NOT ALL NIGHT) and only once per week if I remember correctly. Contact your local Consumer Affairs office (in the phone book) and ask them for the details/laws pertaining to this.

    Put it in writing

    If you don’t wish for them to call you, simply put it in writing and mail/fax it to them. They are supposed to abide by your request; not verbal, just in writing. You MUST put your request in writing and keep the proof you mailed or faxed it.

    Put in your letter requesting that they contact you only via the mail/letters.

    At that point, they ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CALL YOU AGAIN.

    They will transfer your account to yet another representative, and/or collection agency. Submit your request not to be called to them as well. Again, keep the proof it was sent. If you don’t, THEY WILL CONTINUE TO HARASS YOU…all hours of the day and night, via the telephone.

    They are NOT allowed to call you at work, call relatives or your neighbors

    Yeah, they really do it too. If they do, report them immediately to Consumer Affairs, Better Business Bureau, Federal Consumer Dept and your Attorney General. Explain to them that your fanatical business is private, personal and when they call you at work, it puts your job in jeopardy; If you loose your job, you will then be forced to apply for welfare.

    No one wants yet another family forced on welfare, so they will act almost immediately to stop the creditors behavior. In extreme cases, they can fine the company or reps. In some cases, some have actually sued the creditors for harassment. It just depends how far you are willing to be pushed and abused and what exactly you are willing to do to stop it.

    Some will even yell at you

    Yup, some do that also. Just hang up on them, and write that letter requesting that they contact you ONLY via by mail.

    By law, they are supposed to abide by your request.

    Legal help

    You may want to consider legal help with these issues. Contact your local Legal Aid and make an appointment to see them. That way, if the creditors do ever call again, refer them to your attorneys name and number. They will not call you again, for they KNOW you have armor at that point. If you cant find Legal Aid Departments in your area, contact your county court house for info on where the closest one is to you.


    They are able to settle with you, on the account in question for next to nothing, only they dont TELL you that until after they have drug you to court repeatedly pertaining to this debt. If you are able, you may wish to consider settling for a dime on a dollar, etc. etc. That way, they are paid, and it shows the account is paid in full on your credit report(s). Its worth a try.

    Never Again

    No force on heaven or earth will make me EVER get a credit card again. They can keep their high rates, high payments and “bonus’s” they offer.

    Yeah, the legal loan sharks can keep it.

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