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    • site last updated 10/13/2002 guru Time
About Us
A Poem For My Special Nicole
I Miss You More Than Words Can Say
I Wish
Nicole's Pictures
Nicole's First Birthday In Heaven
Nicole's Second Birthday In Heaven
Nicole's Resting Place
The distance
between joy and
sorrow can be
measured by
a heartbeat.
Star's Web Site For Bereaved Families
Nicole Ann
Nicole made her silent entry in the world on
Sunday, February 3rd, 2002.
She weighed 5 pounds 4 ounces and was 18 1/2 inches long. She had a head of full black hair and a beautiful face.

When someone comes
into our lives....
and they are too quietly and quickly gone,
they leave footprints on our hearts...
and their memory stays with us forever.

An angel in the
book of life wrote down Nicole's birth and whispered as she
closed the book, "Too beautiful for earth".
The copyrighted images above of Jesus are used with the gracious permission of Jean Keaton, the artist who created them originally. You can see more of her work at
Please visit her website.

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This web site was created for Lisa and Don whose little girl, Nicole Ann was stillborn. They are our friends, and we hope in some small way it will help to ease their hurt by sharing the memory of their little girl with you.
• with much love, Guru Glenn and his 'schweetie' Linda •

is used with permission.
Thanks to