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Hello! :) I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving! I had a great time at my 5 year High School class reunion on Friday evening and got to see a bunch of my friends from High School and some I hadn't seen in some time, which was nice! Pictures will be up soon, just click on the Family and Friends Pics section and then click Recent Pics!

I am going back to film more on "Guiding Light" this Wednesday and Thursday and then "Mona Lisa Smile," on December 17-20th. I just spoke with Tiffany from the UNCG Alumni Newspaper in NC and she interviewed me for an upcoming featured article. She was very nice and had some great questions, I just hope I am worthy of having an article written about me! :) Thank You Tiffany!

I hope everyone is enjoying the is FREEZING in NYC!!! :) The tree lighting ceremony is tomorrow, which should be cool! I am off to finish decorating my apt. for Christmas, putting up the tree, and writing Christmas cards while I have the day off! I will be back soon with pics and updates! Best Wishes and thank you again for all of your support! :)


Hey Again! I hope everyone had a great weekend! I have been busy, I went to a party in NYC on Saturday evening and got to see a couple friends of mine from High School who will also be at the reunion this coming Firday! I am meeting up with Brandy and Irene from "Mona Lisa Smile" tomorrow afternoon and then I am going out for dinner with a friend who is in town. On Tuesday it is back to GL and then home that evening to NJ for Thanksgiving! I hope everyone has a Happy Thanksgiving and I will check back after the holiday! :)


Hello! So sorry about the delay, but I am here with an update! Things are going well and I am working a lot on "Guding Light," having a blast and getting to know some great people! I have been working a couple times a week on GL and will be going back before they go on Thanksgiving break, 11/26/02 and then again on December 4th and 5th! They are trying a new system where you now come in at 7:30am and then you are out by 1pm or you come in at 11:00am and are out by about 5 or 6pm, which is great!

As for MLS, I will be back on set in December and then again in January for the classroom scenes, which will be fun to shoot! And other then that, I am just hanging out with some friends and have a party to go to on Saturday evening and then brunch on Sunday! My High School class reunion is on Friday, 11/29/02, so that will be interesting, but all my friends from H.S. and I are still friends, so we are going together! :) Have a great weekend and I will be back soon with lots of new pics, especially from the reunion!


Hello! :) Well, I have been really busy even with one slow week! On Thursday I worked on "Mona Lisa Smile" (MLS) and got a call from my manager that I had booked 2 more days on "Guiding Light" (GL) for Tuesday and Thursday of next week! This worked out with my MLS schedule, which was great! Then I got a call on Friday from MLS casting saying that they needed me for a fitting on Tuesday and although I am working on GL, they worked around my schedule since they needed me on the shoot. I am now working on MLS on 11/15, 11/19 and 12/17-12/20. They then informed me that I have been selected to be one of Julia Robert's featured students in the classroom scenes being shot in January, so they need me most of that month!

So, it looks as though I will be working quite a bit through the holiday. I am actually using this weekend to get my holiday shopping done since it looks as though I might run out of time! I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend! The weather in NY has been beautiful and warm for the Fall, loving it! :) I will be back soon with updates! Best Wishes!!! :)

11/1/02 is officially update time! :) I have been having a blast in NYC and am meeting some wonderful people keeping my nights full of fun and adventure! :) As for the filming front, I fillmed "Guiding Light" last week and had a great time, especially in my scenes with actor Daniel Cosgrove, he is such a funny him! :) On the Julia Roberts front, I am going back to film on location in NJ this coming week, which should be fun especially since Brandy is filming too! :) I will be back with updates after filming!

Other then that I got the chance to meet up wiht my best friend, Lena, in NYC and we went to TGIFriday's and had our favorite spinach and artichoke dip along with our BannannaBerry Daquaris...yum! Then we went and saw the Katie Holmes movie "Abandon," which is an odd one! We also went to the Halloween/Costume store Ricky's in the city and got our Halloween costumes! Later last week I got together with Lena and Jackie to watch non other then "The Bachelor!" I am having a little get together this coming week for the show! :)

For Halloween last night, I went to a party in NYC on the Upper East side held by the fabulous Brandy and I had a BLAST...too fun!!! It was great meeting a bunch of new people and fellow actors and screen writers! It was a late night and NYC is a crazy place on Halloween! I went as a Devil, and there was another Devil there too, which was cool! I took a bunch of pictures, which will be up on my site just as soon as I get them developed! I hope you all had a very Happy Halloween and got plenty of candy!

I, the little Devil, will be back soon with a News update and pics from the Halloween Party! Till then, Happy November and Best Wishes!!! :)


Hey Everyone! How is everyone enjoying their weekend? It is beautiful in NYC! I have been busy filming "Mona Lisa Smile" and having fun, fun, fun! I have also had a wonderful time meeting some fabulous fellow actors such as Brandy and Irene, who are both working with me on and off over the three months of filming as students and we are having a blast! It is always great to make such great friends who are also actors and know what you go through! I love you guys and thanks for being so cool! :)

I also got the opportunity to watch Julia Roberts work upclose and recieve direction from the director and see what she did before each take, which is a great learning process! Julia Roberts also came over to me, yes little me, and I have to say she is one of the nicest, most genuine and friendly celebrities I have ever worked with! She is so pleasent on set and happy to wait, always skipping around and having a good time! So, I have nothing bad to report and if anyone is talking poorly about her, I am going to have to set them straight! :)

Well, I am back to work on "Mona Lisa Smile" next week, I just had another fitting and then back to "Guiding Light" on Friday! I will be back to report more soon, but till then have fun and Best Wishes!!! :)


Hello! I have added 2 new sections under the FILMING PICS Section entitled GUIDING LIGHT PICS and MONA LISA SMILE PICS. More coming soon! Enjoy! :)


The "Mona Lisa Smile" shoot was a success and I met some fabulous people! Julia Roberts is a really nice and looks exactly the same as she does in photos and on film! I also must add that her husband is adorable and very nice!!! ;) It really was awesome to see everyone dressed in 1953 costumes with the hairstyles and make up all the way to the cars and train, luggange and street lamps...quite the sight! :) I will be back next week to film some more, I am one of Julia Robert's art history students at Wellsley College, which is fun!

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend and if you get Monday off for Columbus Day, I hope you have a great mini vacation! :) My nephew and sister left today and although due to filming, I only saw them shortly, we had a great time! I am off, but will be back to update sometime next week! :)

To see pictures from "Guiding Light"CLICK HERE


Hola! :) I hope everyone has been having a wonderful week, I have been keeping really busy and making some money, which is always nice! :)

"Mona Lisa Smile" casting has asked me back to film next week as well as this weekend, so I have yet another fitting tomorrow morning, which will be great, the people in the hair and wardrobe department are so friendly! I will be back with more updates soon, but till then go enjoy the nice Fall weather and leaves changing! :)


Just a quick update! :) I just got back from filming my third day on "Guiding Light," and although it is nothing too big, it has been a blast and I have met some wornderful people, but especially an actor named Ricky Paull Goldin, who plays Gus Aitoro on the show, he was so kind to me and really took the chance to know me and not just see me as another actor! Thanks Ricky!

I also came to realize just how much I love soap work, I honestly wasn't sure what I would think, but I have decided that I would just adore getting to go to the "Guiding Light" set on a daily basis and work, especially now that I am familar with everything on set, including the different stages, multiple camera use and the quick pace...I am in love! :)

Also, another note on the feature film "Mona Lisa Smile." I have a fitting tomorrow morning, bright and early and then we film this weekend! This is mainly just featured background work, so nothing big at all, but I look at it as an opportunity to meet new people and more importantly watch actors like Julia Roberts, Julia Stiles, Kirsten Dunst and others work! There isn't a better learning experience then wataching the pros at work! :)

I will be back with pics from "Guiding Light" and updated info. soon! Best Wishes!!! :)


Me Again...I know, you are getting tired of hearing from me...sorry! :) I just got a call from my manager and "Guiding Light" has booked me for 2 days next week and soon I will be considered a reoccurring character...yippeee! :) Just wanted to keep everyone posted! Thank you again for all of the support and encouraging e-mails, I love reading them!


Back so soon you ask? :) Yes, I am! This is a busy time for me, which is good and not so good! Everyone is calling to book me this week, but due to doing other things I unfortunately had to turn them down.

The casting department for the feature film staring Julia Roberts called "Mona Lisa Smile" just called and needed me for a costume fitting on Tuesday, Oct. 8th, to start filming next weekend, but I am already booked on "Guiding Light" for the I had to turn it down, but that is the biz!

Anywho, you win some and loose some, but at least I am getting called...I feel needed! :) I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend and a very Happy Friday! Best Wishes!!! :)

Also, I have added a couple pictures in the Family and Friends Pics Section under Recent Pics and under Kyle Pics


Hola! How is everyone? I have been keeping busy and having fun fun fun! :) Just to update everyone, I am not sure if I was on "Guiding Light" or not, I haven't watched, but I wanted to let everyone know that I will be going back to film agian as the receptionist at the Beacon Hotel next week, so I will be on again in the near future!

Other then that, I have a feature film audition tomorrow and am getting ready for my sisters and little nephew's arrival, they are coming into town this weekend for about a week! :) Have a great rest of the week and I will check back soon! :)


Hey! I just wanted to let everyone know that I just finished filming "The Guiding Light" yesturday and had a great time! The pace is so fast and I love it, because it takes a 1/4 of the time that it takes to film a scene in TV or on Film, the soap opera world is fast, fast, fast! :)

Keep your eye out, because I am not sure when it will air, but most likely in the next few days! I play a character named none other than Liesl...yes, Liesl! They liked my name so much and need a name for my character is Liesl! I am a receptionist at the Becon, a new posh hotel on the show! I am off to an MTV audition today and other then that, it is the same old stuff! :)

I hope you all have a wonderful rest of the week and I will check in again soon! Best Wishes!!! :)


Hello! I hope everyone had a fabulous weekend! It was quite a weekend for TV, the Miss America Pagent...Congrats to Miss. Illinois and the Emmy's are on!!!

As far a the acting front, I was called in to stand in for Julia Stiles on the feature film "Mona Lisa Smile" and got the opportunity to meet Julia Stiles and Kirsten Dunst, also on the film. Although a girl with shorter hair, who was such a nice girl, ended up as her stand in since Julia Stiles now has chin length hair, I go paid for the day and met some fabulous people!

I am finally moved into my new, bigger, NYC apt. and I absolutely LOVE it!!! I am still getting things organized and decorated, but that is the fun part! :) I will keep you posted as things unfold, but till then have a great week and Best Wishes!!! :)


Hello Again! Just wanted to let everyone know that my thoughts are with you on the 1st Anniversary of September 11th! This is definitley a day that is difficult for me, as I am sure it is for everyone! As I move forward, I will never forget!!! Best Wishes!!! xoxo


Hey Everyone...sorry for the update delay, but I have been a busy little bee! :) I just had a bunch of friends come and visit me in NYC over the period of about 2 weeks and now it is just I again! :)

Things have been going really well on the acting front, which has been exciting! I landed a meeting with the head of casting at "Guiding Light" and then have an audition on Monday for a feature film staring Julia Roberts, Julia Styles and Kirstin Dunst which will be called "Mona Lisa Smile," and to top it off I have a meeting with a big SAG franchised agent from the ACME Talent and Literary Agency in NY and LA! Hopefully, things will go well, but even if nothing comes of it, I will have been given the opportunity to meet new people, get my foot in the door and network!

I hope everyone has a fun weekend and a safe 1st Anniversary of September 11th! Best Wishes!!! :)


Hello! :) I just wanted to let everyone know that I have added new baby pics of me in the Little Liesl section and new pics under the Family and Friends Pics section. Other then that, I added a copy of my acting postcard under the Headshots section and that is about all!

One of my close acting friends, Ashley, is coming up to visit me from Wilmington, NC for about 2 weeks and then my best friend from high school, Stacy and her boyfriend come up for a few days too...Fun Fun Fun! :) I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer! Best Wishes!!!


Hello, Hello, Hello! :) I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend thus far! I am enjoying the rest of the summer and getting ready for one of my best friends, who is also an actor, Ashley to come up to NYC for a visit from Wilmington, NC. She will actually be my new roommate in January and we will most likely both head out to LA for pilot season!

I just added some pictures of Zita Johann under the Zita Johann Section

I will also be in the Midwest for a few days and celebrating my 23rd Birthday on August 17th...ahh I am getting old! ;) I hope you all have a great rest of the summer and I will check back soon with updates and pics! :)


I am back so soon...I know! :) Just wanted to let everyone know that this weekend I am working on updating and revamping parts of my Website. So, if you have trouble loading images or pages don't work, I am in the proccess of working on them and changing them, but they should all be working soon and I am sorry for any inconvinience!

As you can see I have changed my bottons on the main site and the other bottons will be changed soon! Let me know if you have any suggestion too, I love getting your imput! Have a great weekend! :)


Hello! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have changed my hit counter on the main site so that it is now pink and matches with the webpage theme! :) Other then that things are pretty much the same...I am back in NYC and looking into getting another job while auditioning on the side.

I talked with my manager and she definiltey agrees that LA was the place to be this past year and that things have been really slow in NYC, but hopefully that will change. As of now, my new roommate, Ashley McDaid, will be moving in January 2003. Yet, she is coming to visit me on August 22nd - Sept. 5th, which will be too fun! :) She and I are planning to head to LA for a couple months during pilot season just to see how things go.

I will be sure and keep everyone posted on LA and everything else, but till then have a great weekend! I hope everyone in the NY area is enjoying the heat is HOT HOT HOT! :)


Hey! I just wanted to let everyone know that I have added my new headshots in the Headshot section and the 3/4 length shot is coming soon! Also, Once I get my postcards, I will post that as well! :)

I hope everyone is enjoying their summer! I have a meeting with my manager this week to go over some things so that I can better decide what my plans will be after my lease runs up in NYC. I am planning on staying for another year at least and hoping to get some soap opera work. We will see what my manager has to say and then I will go from there! I will update again soon, but till then I hope you all have a fabulous week! :)


Hey Everyone! :) I wanted to thank everyone for the sweet e-mails I have recieved and all the support! I was on "Sex and the City" briefly (I do mean briefly) on Sunday, July 21st and should be on again this coming Sunday, July 28th!

I visited with an acting friend of mine, Clynton who lives in Hollywood, CA...he is doing really well and I wanted to wish him all the best with his upcoming film and print ad! My other friend, Matt Lutz, who I predicted would be successful in within a year, is busy filming an upcoming feature film in LA! He will be playing Steve Martin's son, so good luck to him, he truly deserves it!!! :)

I will check back soon! Best Wishes and have a great week! :)


Hello Again! :) I hope everyone had a wonderful 4th of July!!!

I wanted to let everyone know that the TV-movie I was in starring John Ritter, Meredith Baxter, JoAnna Garcia (from Reba) and David Tom (from Y&R) is on this Sunday evening, July 14th on CBS, so check your local listings!

Thanks again for all of the support and I will check back soon with new pics from my trip to the west coast!


Hello Again! :) I have been working on my site for the past two days straight to update it, add pics and change some of the formats and add animations. I am still working on a few things, but a lot of it is now done...for now! :)

I have added more pictures of me when I was younger under the Little Liesl section. I have added a completely new Biography and Fun Facts, so check them out when you get the chance and let me know what you think. I have also added a contact section instead of e-mail, but you can e-mail me from the contact site...don't worry! :) I have added new animation to the Filming Gallery section will soon change the animation on a few other pages. As always I am open to any suggestion!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! I will be busy packing for the west coast and auditioning as they come up! Best Wishes and thank you again for everything! :)


Hey Everyone! I must apoligize for taking so long to update this section of my site...but have no fear I am back! :) I hope everyone has been doing well and enjoying their summers or the start at least! :)

Now, as for me, not much to report besides being extremely busy...what else is new...hehe! Yesturday I was on a play marathon in NYC. I went to see Chris O'Donnell in "The man who had all the luck" and then went to dinner at Latanzi and then off to another play, which I really enjoyed! It won the Tony award for best play this year, "The Goat or Who is Sylvia?" and although it is an odd play, it was funny and very entertaining with great acting! It starred Bill Pullman and Mercedes Ruehl and they were fabulous! I also really enjoyed Jeffrey Carlson, who played the son, he is very talented and I look forward to seeing more of his work in the future! I must congratulate Jeffrey Carlson too, because this is his first Broadway play and he just graduated when I did in 2001! CONGRATS to him! :)

I am off to the west coast in just a few days and will be gone for sometime during the summer, but I will update whenever I get the opportunity! Thank you again to everyone and Best Wishes!!! :)


Hey! I hope everyone is having a great start to the week! Nothing much to report here besides traveling around the US, so I am pretty much MIA this summer, but hey, I am having fun! :)

I just got some new pictures taken of me, more for fun, and I will have them up soon! Thank you again for all of your support and votes for "The Revengers!" You pretty much just have to vote for the picture of me with my hands on my hips for both characters, Natasha and Julie, since that one is getting the highest score and your votes will cause my score to go up! Thanks!

I just wanted to take a minute to say "hey" to Tracy Skoczelas, Kristi Brooks, Ashley McDaid and Jennifer Armstrong...I Miss You guys SO much and Love Ya lots!!! xoxo


Hey Again! Just a quick update on me,I am currently in the top 10 for each of the characters I am up for on the new TV Pilot "The Revengers!" I just wanted to thank eveyone for voting...keep up the great work! :)

I have an audition for a feature film this Saturday morning in NYC for the role of Sophie: 16-17, intelligent, poised, has maturity. It is going to be directed and produced by Wes Anderson who also directed "The Royal Tenebaums" with Gwenyth Paltrow! I will let all of you know how it goes!

Have a great rest of the week and I will check back soon! Thanks agian!!! :)


I am "auditioning" for a new TV Pilot entitled "The Revengers," but here is the thing, it is done completely via the internet and the viewing public acts as casting directors, that would be you guys! :) Then 10 actors for each role with the top scores at the end of the process go to NYC to audition on film for the show.

Here is where you guys come in...I need anyone who is interested to visit "The Revengers" Website, but specifically, the links to the three characters that I am up for. They are Julie, Kate and possibly Natasha and you can click on the pictures of each character on my Homepage. This will take you to my pictures and you then vote, hopefully a #10, the top score, to get my score up and possibly into the top ten so that I have the opportunity to actually audition in NYC!

One more important thing to know is that you can only vote ONCE every 24 hours, it will only except one vote from each IP Address, so each computer! SO...if you remember and want to help me out, just try to remember to visit the sites each day and vote, if you bookmark the pages, it will be a bit easier! :) Again, you don't have to, but if you have the time and want to, that would be fabulous!

Thank You SO much and Best Wishes!!!


I just got back from seeing "Mama Mia" on Broadway,the show that I had a great ticket to in March, but had to sell since I had to shoot "Sex and the City" that entire day. I must admit that I was dissapointed that I had to miss the show that day because I truly wanted to see this show and I love musical theatre! So, I got some single seats since it is pretty sold out and decided to go while some friends of mine, from the theatre department where I graduated, were in town for an acting showcase and it was fabulous and enjoyable! :)

It stars the talented Joe Machoto as Sky and Tina Maddigan as Sophie and it will get you dancing! Made me realize just how strong my passion for musical theater is and it is so great to see everyone going back to the theater and enjoying themselves after 9-11. It was an inspiring show, at least for me, and if you have the opportunity to see it, GO GO GO!!! :)

I hope everyone is having a wonderful week! I will check back soon, but till then, go and see "Mama Mia" and be a "Dancing Queen!" :)