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Im Navarra and this is my Site im still working on it so come back another time. I love ROBERT

Well lets see where to start.... Im Navarra and im in love with Robert A. Pizzo (my baby). Were gonna get married on April 17, 2004 yay!!!!... So much stuff to say now where to start

Well Im 19. I live in Chicago Illinois with my mom sister and grandma. I hete it. I'm not happy always depressed well im not that way when im able to be with Robert.

Who's Robert???? the man that makes my life worth living. He's the reason why im here. So before Robert I was lost didnt have anyone, Pregnant and alone. I also had hard feelings toward all men, even my dad. But there is just something about Robert that I cant get enough of. I'd do anything for him.

I just want to be happy no matter what I do im not happy. There's happy for the moment but not truely happy. Example. Last Friday I went out with Robert I had so much fun even when we went to see his friends. It was just the best day I had in such a long time. But when it was time to leave I was so unhappy so sad so depressed, and i've been that way since. I cant wait until next week.