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Plumsted Township



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NBP's staff consists of concerned individuals dedicated to the conservation of our natural heritage. While these people come from various walks of life, they share a passion for the beauty of nature - be it the vivid colors of a butterfly's wings, the refreshing smell of the forest, the spring song of a warbler, or the soothing sound of a gently running stream. This appreciation has inspired these individuals to dedicate their time, efforts, and varied skills to help NBP preserve these wonders for our future generations.

Scott Angus is an ecologist, biologist and senior wetland scientist at an environmental consulting firm. One of his specialties is Threatened and Endangered species with recent course work including: “New Jersey’s Threatened and Endangered Species, Northern and Southern NJ”, “Sedges, Rushes & Grasses Identification” and “Vegetation Identification for Wetlands Delineation”. He is also Federally Certified as a Qualified Bog Turtle Surveyor and a member of the New Jersey Association of Environmental Professionals. Scott is qualified in wetland delineation, wetland enhancement and restoration, habitat restoration, species management programs, environmental permitting and environmental reports.

Mike Casper has fifteen years of field ornithology experience as a trip leader and Monmouth County Audubon Officer and President. He is the local coordinator in Ocean County, NJ for the National Audubon Society’s annual Christmas Bird Counts. He has performed various Department of Defense ecological surveys for NBP. He is a dedicated conservationist, designing and participating in various conservation fund raisers, participating in NJ Audubon’s World Series of Birding, contributing to Birds of New Jersey and establishing avian biodiversity records.

Dr. Emile Devito has agreed to assist NBP as an ecological advisor. He is the Manager of Science and Stewardship at New Jersey Conservation Foundation, one of NJ's most important and active preservation advocates. He received a doctorate in Ecology in 1988 for research on bird communities and vegetation landscapes in New Jersey's Pine Barrens. Working together with varied groups and experts on flora and fauna, Dr. DeVito develops management plans for NJCF's 12,500+ acres of fee holdings and easements designed to protect and enhance biological diversity. Emile educates government officials, advocacy groups, land trusts, teachers and students on forest-interior habitat and migratory stopover needs of neotropical songbirds. He is a trustee of the Pinelands Preservation Alliance and the NJ Natural Lands Trust. He serves on the Endangered and Non-Game Species Advisory Committee within the NJ Division of Fish and Wildlife, and the Science Advisory Committees of the NY-NJ Trail Conference and Union County Park System.

Patrick Dubois is a biologist with ten years of scientific field experience at private and governmental organizations. Pat has been a Parks Department Supervisor recruiting and coordinating volunteers to assist the park in children’s education programs.

Scott Elowitz is a business owner and nature photographer/videographer. His videography work specializes in underwater video with scenes appearing on the Discovery Channel. His photography specializes in avifuana with works to be published in the National Audubon Society’s North American Birds and a shorebird field guide. Scott is a Marine Mammal Stranding Center volunteer assisting with the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of whales, dolphins, seals and turtles. He has been a consultant to Ocean Alliance/Whale Conservation Institute. He is an experienced businessman, receiving the New Jersey Small Business Administration’s Young Entrepreneur of the Year award. Most of the photos on this site were taken by Scott. Click here to see more of Scott's work!

Jim Lisa is an attorney practicing in NY and NJ. His specialties are corporate, tax and real estate law. The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and various TV stations have quoted Jim as a specialist in his field.

Dave Magpiong is a teacher in the Voorhees Township School District in southern New Jersey. In his 10 years of working with children, he has helped shape the future generation of conservationists by taking students on bird/nature walks, teaching on ESP trips, and instituting annual Earth Day activities at his school. He has actively helped conservation efforts in the state by volunteering on NJDFW ENSP's Shorebird Banding Project, performing a Department of Defense ecological survey for NBP, and contributing to the quarterly publication of New Jersey Birds.

Jeff Marszal is federal officer and experienced Natural Resource Planner and present Masters candidate in GPS mapping and technology. Jeff has performed Forest Inventory Analysis for the US Forest Service, endangered species work for the US Forest Service, endangered species work with the Desert Tortoise Monitoring Project and Department of Defense ecological surveys for NBP.

Mike Meriney has fifteen years of environmental restoration and project management experience at multi-disciplined consulting firms. Mike has managed projects worth over forty million dollars. Possessing various professional; certificates from the NJDEP, he is an expert in hydrology, restoration, wetlands, DEP and EPA regulations and property assessment. He has performed various Department of Defense ecological surveys for NBP and established various biodiversity records.

Joe Ortuso has various governmental and private engineering experience. Joe is well versed in engineering software, land surveying, CAD operation and is a civil engineering candidate. He is experienced in various land use, planning and preservation issues.

Donna Ortuso has fifteen years of managerial and business development experience in private industry. She is proficient in various computer software and hardware.

Fred Virrazzi is a zoologist and a chemist. He has fifteen years of environmental management experience, regulatory experience, property management experience, various NJDEP licenses, scientific report writing experience and twenty years of non-profit volunteerism. Fred has been successful in receiving over $700,000 in grants in 2003 for NBP. He is a former NASDAQ executive at an environmental firm and presently a federal officer with the US Department of Agriculture. He is a dedicated conservationist and field zoologist writing various popular articles, taking top honors in NJ Audubon’s World Series of Birding, contributing to Birds of New Jersey and establishing avian biodiversity records.