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-¦- welcome to a tight crew straight outta new ya like tha rhyme for tha check dis shit sucka!

-¦- updates.

5.5.02 some major changes are coming to>new server and .com domain.whole new layout.and video clips for the bios.all coming soon.what else...oh yea mike's out.bighead's check his shit-phiL

4.18.02 damn its been awhile.squid skins now avalible.their site is coming soon.made by MGR DESIGNS.profiles in progress.peace -phiL

3.9.02 sorry for the lack of updates but we have been out taking photos for the site.we got a few new heads in the crew...bread,bighead,noah, and antoine.bios for them coming soon.but check out the current bios for some new photos.peace phiL-¦-

2.13.02 me and louis take time out of skating today to write up some reviews.enjoi! phiL-¦-

2.4.02 check out the crew's newest brotha,louis

1.30.02 got wong's flix up.phil and abbo's flix are gonna be up soon.phiL -¦-

12.05.01 been doing some crazy 'mounts of uploading.everything should be working in about a week or so.the navigation isnt working yet so chill for a bit.phiL -¦-

12.02.01 new URL for this for now till we can get a real domain.phiL -¦-