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yasmine + version 2.0

Woo! Finally, new layout! About time. It's a little pink, but hey. It's a kickass picture of Kenshin--what could be better? Gonna' have writing and stuff up here--and a link to pictures and some of Rhu's things. ^^

links that work:

Leo's bio
Silent Recollections
Obsidian Ties
Kyan's Bio
Seiko's Bio
A Mother's Love
Unwanted Luxury


Most of the writing is going to have to do with my roleplay characters, and most of you won't get it. ^^ Feel free to read it though, and I'll post some descriptions of the characters up so that way it'll be a little easier to understand. ^^


Here are some little mini extras for you: an 88x31 link button, and a 60x60 avatar. If you use them, please make sure to give proper credit. Thanks!


Please keep up the credit link(s), do not change the form, look, position of it, it must stay where it's at, which means if it's in the navigation, on all pages, do not make it smaller than the normal font you are using, do not make the links invisible, do not defy and disobey any of the terms, and do not remove the watermark.