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The administrator(s) of THE UNOFFICIAL LOCAL ATLANTIC AM TALK RADIO MESSAGE BOARD and all of the portions of the website, reports ZERO data for any purposes to anyone.(NEW!)-->FROM TIME TO TIME I WILL REPORT "KEYWORD" SEARCH STRINGS,which have been used by persons visiting various search engines.(and subsequently visited this site).I will not report any "identifying" information on those or any other visitors as a rule.

The site is affiliated with other entities (such as,who maintain data about this site on their servers which have privacy policies independent of this site. I have listed the known entities that you may encounter when visiting this site that I know for a fact may collect data pertaining to visitors to this site. From time to time I review data that is available to myself that is not available to all visitors to the site such as,ip address,browser info.,to improve the performance of this site and inspect for trouble. I do not reveal these details at this time to protect visitor's privacy and security. In the event that I would decide to reveal details of visitors,all "old" visits will be protected in this fashion. (changes to privacy expected are not retro-active).

If this website-including but not limited to THE MESSAGE BOARD,contains ANY information or statements that are UNTRUE or OFFENSIVE to anyone for any reason,most importantly being PERSONAL CONFIDENTIAL and/or information which would not be widely known via other local media sources,The site administrator will remove said items IMMEDIATELY upon notification or sooner. Thank-you for visiting my privacy page-please e-mail me if you have any comments/suggestions.

In the event of "stalking",or "threating" messages,ALL BETS ARE OFF and this policy does not apply.

COPYRIGHT.This site links to outside sites containing copyrighted information. Also some copyrighted information is re-posted here in what I understand to be in compliance with "fair-use" laws under US copyright laws. If you are the owner of copyrighted material that is on this website,and you wish to have it removed or have other concerns,please notify. All material added to this site is the copyrighted property of the person who authored it unless notified otherwise.This entire website,(the unofficial bla bla bla) protected by UNITED STATES COPYRIGHT LAW.

Copyright © 2000-2002-2003


FAQ-(or-why was my message removed?) In reply to: talkonline 's message, "Open season on LOCAL TALK RADIO hosts???" on 03:09:59 04/09/03 Wed 1. Mentioning a LOCAL HOST'S family, personal buisness, something private or personal (true or untrue). Violating a host's privacy or posting private information. 2. Messages can be removed at anytime "by request". Best way to do that is call attention to the offending message directly by using the "reply" that is connected to the message. You can also email the moderators. We make a public notice on the board when messages are removed. (messages are removed "with notice"). 3. Messages can be removed or edited for any reason. 4. SOME messages are troubling,false, insulting... allowing a message to remain on the board, even though the moderators of the board disagree with the message, or don't like the message, cannot be avoided without closing the discussion entirely. Rather than delete "offensive" posts immediately, some offensive messages will remain online untill the subject has been completley discussed. 5.This board does NOT exist for the purpose of harrasing LOCAL TALK RADIO personalities. Please try to remember that! 6.Please do NOT! harrass the moderators of this board by posting items that need to be removed or edited! 7. Thank-you for visiting this site! 8. We do not require a "real" name. Because of that, "accusing" someone of being a public person or any real person will cause your message to be deleted. 9. Stalking or threatening are NOT covered by the privacy policy of this forum. In the event of stalking or threatening, the moderators of this board and will co-operate in any way possible to alert the victim and reveal the identity of anyone threatening harm towards LOCAL TALK RADIO personalities or LOCAL TALK SHOW CALLERS.
