The Wonderful World of Bill

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7/21/05 Well hello there! It has been some time since we have talked. I am still with Jess and am about to hit the 2 year mark. Crazy I know. On my way to Disney in 10 days, hell yeah. Then off to the Bahamas September 2 as a 2 year anniversary present between me and Jess. Nothing new in my life except I lost another person I thought was a friend. But I guess I'm getting used to it so no big deal. Just sitting around bored and felt like writing something. Look me up on myspace, if anyone even reads this thing anoymore.

8/24/04 I was actually gonna let angelfire get tired of having this website on their server but it looks like I changed my mind. It turns out that the people I thought were my friends really weren't. I guess cause I hung out with them so much I just let things be. I became comfortable with people that really didn't care about me. I have figured this out because the people that I now call my friends have shown me what friendship is really about. The major sign was one night when I gave them paintballs to do some sort of project with. Knowing the people that used to be my friends they would take those paintballs and break them all over my car and think that it was the funniest thing in the world. These guys saw me come to the front of my house thinking that something like that was gonna happen. They looked me and I could tell by their expressions that they wouldn't do something like that. That's how I know what a real friend is. Someone who knows that they can do something evil to you but won't because of one reason. THEY GIVE A FUCK ABOUT ME AND WOULDN'T MAKE ME FEEL LIKE SHIT LIKE MY OLD "FRIENDS" WOULD.

7/23/03 Well it's been more than a month since I've added anything to the old website here and the funny thing is that a lot has happened in that time. For one I lost my virginity, YEAH ME. I went and added a new essay which is actually kinda scary so maybe you won't want to read it. It is the one called "ANGER", it was created one night after being out drinking all night I came home is an extremely horrible mood and made it. So last night while I was drunk again I decided to put it up on the website, if you got the balls to read it then do so and let me know what you think.

6/20/03 Hello there everyone. Anyone who is close to me obviously knows what today was. Today is the day that I lost my liscence for 6 months. Thats right I am no longer able to drive a car for 6 months because I was stupid and decided to drive drunk. Let this be a lesson to anyone who thinks they can get behind the wheel after drinking. I am no light weight and have driven home drunk many times, but it just takes one time and you get really fucked. So take my advice, don't drink and drive the penalties are far worse then the rewards.

6/3/03 Hi there everyone. It's been a while since I wrote on my website so while sitting here bored I decided to write something. I'm not in a bad mood but I'm not in a great mood. Things aren't bad at least I don't think they are. Watch tomorrow I'm gonna get a phone call or something and the worst thing in the world is gonna happen. What that is I couldn't tell ya. I definately have to cut down on the drinking. I keep using it as a way to escape from my problems which I stupidly went and added more of them to my plate last night, but whatever as always I will get over it.

Thank you for visiting the website and attempting to understand the sick, twisted, and demented mental state of Bill Palumbo. Be advised not to operate any machinery for at least 30 minutes after viewing this website. Trust me you will be very happy you did.

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