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Hi baby, this site is for you and I to get together and talk, play games or do is our personal meeting space (so long as no one stumbles across love you so much and this is the day I will depart from you for a short time (August 30th, 2004)We will be together in time but until then this is our home. Let's remember all of the fun we had and will have in the near future. It is time to prepare for our wonderful life together. Please be safe while you are away. My heart lies with you and you only. I desire no one else and will remain faithful so please do not be worried in any way because I'm yours.

Keep me close to your heart as I will keep you close to mine.

*picture from
Soon we will be here. Can you guess where this is?
*picture from"
We'll also be here. Can you guess where this is?
Our Love Talk
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Here are some games!
Flash Space Invaders
Flash Pacman
Jewels Flash
Baby Dance
PC Shooter (Shooting Range)
Play Majinwar
Play TSK2 - Trapped in Time
Play Snowboarder XS
Pacman Advance
Board Games

Love Site

Each evening you look at the weather forecasts and choose what stocks to buy to sell to your customers on the following day. Mugs of Hot Chocolate sell well on cold days and Banana Splits sell well on hot days. You have three weeks to try to make as much profit as you can.
Enter your name & start the game!
Lake Loquax game provided by Loquax