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Miles' Markups
Mike's Column


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Daily Poll
Full Site Update [25.02.02]

Hey guys what's going on? The whole site is upadted. There are five new headlines, a new poll up, and here are the rest of the things updated: Scoreboard, Standings, Statistics, Leaderboard, Weekly Awards, and Quote of the Week. Look for a new Miles' Markups to hit the stands soon, and hopefully Mike's Column and a Duffman too, because they not written any of their columns yet. Well vote in the poll and check out the rest of the site, later!


Magic Roll To 4-0 [24.02.02]
Hey this week was good for the league. We had four games played. In two of them the Magic beat the Knicks, and another one the Magic defeated the 76ers. The Orlando Magic look strong, as they extended their record to 4-0, and hoping to pull out to a big lead in the Eastern Conference, and the rest of the league. Check the Scoreboard for official scores and stats, later!

The Dunk Wheel Is Made! [24.02.02]
Hey, today Miles and Mark got a piece of wood, cut it into a circle, and made the dunk wheel. With work of writing and the spinner and stuff, it took a while. However, the wheel is all done, and will be on display at the Slam Dunk Contest which is to be announced at a later date. However, I will say it looks damn good!

Password Protection Installed [23.02.02]
Hey what's going on? Due to some complete nerds being jealous of my site and leaving comments that were nowhere near true, I installed the password protection system. You will only need the Username and Password to post a message, not go to the board or read any messages. I E-Mailed you guys all the Usernames and Passwords, and if you didn't get it, personally contact me and I will tell you. Well I will talk to you guys later, cya!
Rob Mignosi Joins [22.02.02]
Hey, after much consideration about how the Knicks have no chance at anything, and how bad Tommy sucks, we kicked him out and brought Rob Mignosi in. He looks to be a good addition. Well check out the site, later!
Recent Updates [24.02.02]
- Weekly Awards & Quote
- Mignosi Joins League
- New Poll & Board Update
- Top 5 Biweekly Players Updated
- Standings & Stats
- Scoreboard
- The Wheel Is Made
- Leaderboard


[ Updated From 2/11-2/24 ]
Miles Vidreiro Mike Klauder Peter Duffy Jeff Costella Tommy Cassidy

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Created by Miles Vidreiro | |
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