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My Harry Potter Fan Fictions


Well everyone, i have finished this HP book. Now to go finish reading the real 5th book haha. I'm gonna cry. I'll prolly write another HP soon so don't worry. HaHa bye.
Attentional all! Chapter 17 is done and there will only be about 10 or so more chapter's. Possibly less i'm not sure how i'm going to end this. The chapter's will probably get longer now though since I have a lot of idea's for the ending. I have two endings in my head. I think I chose one though. Well I hope u all like my story so far....i gotta go back to chapter 18 so bye.
Well I haven't exactly updated this in a while. But i have added more chapters. I'm workin on Chapter 17 now. I have just started it and it's going great. Please post in my guestbook!! Bye!
Hey! U guys remember me?! eh, if u don't then i understand. I've been busy and i changed how i made the links. I couldn't keep addin all those damn links so i just made one big page. LoL. well it's a snow day and i'm bout to go find some pics for each page. U can thank my #1 Fan, Austin, for makin me write more. LoL Bye!
I had a writer's block. I finished chapter 7. I don't think it's as interesting as some of the other chapters but i had to move the story along and not make the chapter really long. Well read on! There's another surpirse in this one though. There's 2.... i think... i'm pretty sure. Well check it out. Bye! O yea! SIGN MY GUEST BOOK! LoL bye!

Hey i added Chapter 6. I started writing on like monday but i didn't know what to put when they got to the Weasley's house. LoL. o well... umm... yea... it's gonna get more interesting soon.... trust me.... LoL. well i added the link so check it out. Bye!

2/1 (Later in the day)
Ok i added a new counter and a quest book to the site. I am very bored (as u can see) I gotta go get i the shower... post in the guess book! LoL bye!

It's like 1 in the mornin. I had to re write Chapter 5 cuz my sis decided to close the window before i saved it! So i had to type it all up again from scratch. Well. I've been gettin a lot done lately on this fan fic. When I'm done I expect to have like 30 chapters.... no one will ever read it! O well... then they can't steal my ideas. Well Chapter 5 is now added. So read it!!

Chapter 4 has been added! It's a miracle! LoL. Well go check it out I prolly won't be able to add chapter 5 if i write it tonight. I have a talent show meeting and I won't be at my moms house until like 9-10 pm.... But until then... keep reading!

OK! I added another chapter like on friday but i forgot to link it to the site!! Grr!! O well.... read away.... :) *thinks of another chapter that may be added tonight but will be posted tomorrow night...*

Yet another day in which I am about to add more to my story, but then is told to get off the computer. O well. I got my hair hair cut today, saw an Orlando Bloom look-a-like at the mall, and saw this guy i really like at Talent Show Auditions. He talked to me! LoL. Anyway, I'll prolly add more tomorrow. Bye!

Well.. umm... read what i wrote so far. I'm stil tryin to think of the next part so that it will make sense later in the story. LoL. Well bye!

Hey, welcome to my fan fic site. There will be Harry Potter fan fics here. Yes, i am a geek who obsesses over the books, movies, and especially Dan Radcliffe. He's my future husband. :) LoL. Not too obsessed now r we?
Anyway, please do not take any of my stories w/o permission. U can contact me by e-mailin me or IMin me.

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