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What is the importance of
the environment around us?


Land1    Land2

Stand up and take a walk. You shouldn't be surprised to
find out that you're walking on land. Don't forget, though,
you're not the only one who walks on land. Do you enjoy
tree houses and tire swings? Ever gone camping? Played
hide and seek outside? Don't take it for granted. And don't
forget to share!



No, you're not a fish, but you do live by the magnificent
Jersey Shore. The ocean is the home of a myriad of sea
creatures who are dependent on its existence. And those not
living under the sea use it as a food source.



Hold your breath. Don't ever breathe in again! That's a pretty
extreme idea, so instead imagine yourself wearing a filtering
mask on a daily basis. It's not such a crazy suggestion... it's
something we might need to do if we completely ruin the air
we breathe. The fumes emitted by cars, factories, and power
plants pollute the air continuously.