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Current Record:
Terminated (defeated):

No one yet!
Hitlist (defeated):

Iron Lung, JCVD, The Rock
This layout, the banner...everything is made by me. If you want it, IM me at PattitudeV1.
Roleplay Subject:
Starting The Begining Of A Legendary Era!
Current Match:
Triple Threat
Hardcore Title Match
Atlantic City, NJ
Nick's Narration
Nick Pheonix
Woman's Voice
Man's Voice
:Start RP:
.::The Name is Nick Pheonix, I'm a giant man of steel. Nearly three hundred pounds of muscle. All of my life i've been treated poorly, even though i was and still am bigger than everyone else. My life is filled with nothing but Hatred, horror, bad luck, and sadness. Every now and then i get these flash backs, taking me back and forces me to relive the horror of my past. Currently i am just twenty two years old, and its been seventeen years since i last had a smile on my face. It was Christmas Eve 1985, my entire family had come together to have dinner. My father, a former Underground fighter had just defeated a man for $20,000. It was a huge upset, but it made him and my entire family happy. But little did we know what all this would create. During Dinner, when we all sat down we heard a large crashing sound. Five men made their way into my house and shot at everyone they saw. I Quickly hid under the table, as i just saw blood pouring down to the floor and bodies dropping. Me just being five yeras old, i was pretty scared. And then there was just silence. As the five were starting to walk away one man stopped. I Guess he had heard me crying softly. He walked over to the table, ripped off a leg of Turkey. He bent down, looked me in the eye. He chewed on the Turkey leg, lifted up his gun and shot me right in the chest::.

:::Its a rainy day in Downtown Newark, where we see a a rather large man in Black sweat pants and a gray hooded sweatshirt walking on the sidewalk. As he passes people they all stare at him as if he is some sort of freak or monster. The camera still can't focus in on the face of this man. The man then goes down a flight of stares and opens the door. We see a pack of people forming a circle around two guys who are fighting. The man then stands there and looks at the fight. The two men are really going at it up until the guy with the shaved headkicks him in the stomach. He takes a step back and kicks the other guy in the face, knocking him out. The people go crazy and chant the man's name, "Stevens, Stevens, Stevens" and so on:::

Mark Stevens-Who Dares step foot in this circle to face the greatest underground fighter?! How about you Big man?

:::Then the man in the sweats steps forward. And pulls his hood back revealing his face:::

Nick Pheonix-I Don't want to fight you.

Mark-Whats the matter, you scared son?!

.::Nick gets taken back into a flashback...He see's his dad throwing him a baseball, then he see's him fighting a man that looks similar to Mark Stevens. His Dad get's knocked down to the floor as blood pours from his forehead::.

Nick-I'm not your son...

:::Nick grabs him by the legs and slams him down to the concrete floor. He then picks up Mark by the neck one handed, and picks him up onto his shoulders. He swings around and Mark crashes down the floor head first! Nick's eye's begin to glow red. All of a sudden he gets a wooden chair broken over his back. He stands there as if nothing happened. He turns around and picks the man up. He throws him half way across the room. All of a sudden he falls down to one knee and grabs his head. He lets out a huge roar, people then haul ass out of there. He is now alone with the two men he broke in half. He then begin's to hear an applause. A Man walks out from the darkness, with a scar going down his left eye. Scary as Mofo if yah know what i mean. He drops him a card and leaves. Nick picks up the card and see's the HWE logo. He then shakes his head as the screen fades to black:::

.::I'm now back at my apartment, its now thundering outside. The Power is out in the building and much through-out the block. I still wonder if this, HWE Card, is a clue. Maybe its the chapter in my life where i just have to put the past behind me and move on. Everytime i look myself in the mirror and think back to the pain i've suffered, i get angered and i get these strange feelings. And you know something...I think I like it! I want to warn the people that come into my path, but that just makes matter's worst. I'm tired of hiding in the darkness, I'm tired of sitting around without a job, I'm tired of having to depend on other's money, food, and shelter. It's time for me to come forward and reveal myself to the world that I am a true Terminator!::.

:::We See Nick Pheonix walking into a huge skyscraper in Newark. He's wearing his usually sweat's attire and passes by some people who seem to be afraid of him. He Presses the button for the elevator and waits patiently. He hears the ding and the doors open up. People walk out of the elevator and he steps in. He pushes the button that says 95. And again he waits, listening to that boring elevator music. He finally reaches the floor, and the doors open. He see's an attractive woman sitting at a desk. He aproaches here while she is filing her nails. Nick says nothing, the secretary then looks up and gets startled:::

Gloria-May i help you, sir?

Nick Pheonix-I'm Looking for a, (looks at card), Micheal Mathews?

Gloria-(Presses a button) Mr. Mathews, there's a man here to see you. He looks pretty big. Should i Send him in?

Mr. Mathews-Sure, buzz him in.

:::He then walks over to the door and opens it up. He see's Mr. Mathews being fed grapes by a blonde beauty:::

Mr. Mathews-What is it you need?

Nick-I Want to join your Wrestling Federation.

Mr. Mathews-Ok, i just need to know a few things. Are you on drugs, steroids, have a drinking problem, or a criminal record?

Nick-No, Sir.

Mr Mathews-Ok your in. I'll book you in a match for this friday against Iron Lung and Jean-Claude Van Damme. Oh, and see if you can take care of a little problem when you get there. Try and do somethign with the Rock. I Don't care what it is, just do it!

:::The two then start negotiating Nick's HWE Contract as the screen then fades:::