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[HP] Squad

This site is devoted to the HP squad. Right now there are only three members. Email me if you wish to join. There are many different ranks you can have. They are: the basic name with no symbols. With PVT, CPL, SGT, LTN, CAP, MJR, COL, GEN, and §. the highest is §. IF you are a beginner, you will just have [HP]YourName. As you advance you could have [HP]YourName PVT, so on and so forth. When you get to the level of §. there are 3 different levels to that. there is §, «§, and «§». What § stands for is Squad Supreme first, second, and final class. I will let you know when you advance and how you advance when you sign up for the elite [HP] Squad. Also, we will let you know what [HP] means which is a public secret. If you are interested, email me at NovaWorld Official Squad

Current Members:

Challenge Us
