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88 Roleplay Number: 77  #1   

88 Next Match: 77  Darkeffect vs. ????

88 ABAWA Career Record: 77 00 - 00 - 00

88 ABAWA Achievements: 77
[ None Yet ]

Start Prologue

Darkeffect has spent many years wondering what to do with his life, and now that he has signed with ABAWA, he obviously knows. Darkeffect hopes to one day become a dominating force in this business. He will try and make impacts on many futures, and become a 'Hardcore Legend', as he calls it. just like previous Hardcore Legends before him, he dreams on being ruthless and cowardless. He will be looking, to see if he can get his hand's on Geoffrey's Hardcore belt. For now, he must put up with useless jobbers, but that's another story. But there really a chance, for Darkeffect to one day become the next Hardcore Champ? Could the ABAWA Rebirth, birth some new life with it's young, new prospects..and can dreams come true? Well, we can only hope to find out as ABAWA life continues, to roll on...

End Prologue

[Scene 1 || The Debut of a Legend in the Making ]

The scene begins where the ABAWA arena comes on to the screen and 'Hit the Floor' by Linkin park hits the PA. Darkeffect walks out on to the stage area, and looks around at the crowd. Everybody is cheering for him.He nods at all the cheering and begins to walk down to the ring. He high fives a few fans, bot hadults and kids, as he walks down towards the steel steps. He lcimbs them and rolls into the ring as he hops up and raises his arms. The fans cheer louder as he gets a mic. ]

'The Hardcore Future' Darkeffect: So this is it huh? ABAWA, the famous ABAWA. Yeah, well I've only been here like an hour, and I alread ygot a personal assistant and stuff. But I mean, that's like stuff I really don't think I'll need for ABAWA action. All I'll need for that is my body, ha ha. I mean, I know your all wonderign why I say that, but I really have worked on my body, as far as skills and abilities. I can now work and train harder than I ever did. But, I'm a real hardcore guy. I may be nice, to all you fans and most of the people in the back. But, I don't appreciate losers, no..not at all. As far as I can tell, Geoffrey better watch out, because there is currently nobody hardcore enough to take on the role of Hardcore Champion. I certainly know I can, and man..Am I ready. Hell yeah! I can take on everybody in this fed right now, simply because I feel I can. Look, I don't wanna sound like a motivational speaker or some crap, but really..when you believe you can do something, can do it. And I truly believe that, in the sense of ttle belts. If I want that Hardcore Title, I will one day take it. And now me move on to the last thing I was really looking to discuss., I mean..of course it ties in with the other things, but I really really need someone worhty enough of facing. If I am gonna take on Geoffrey one day, I'll need to reall kick my wrestling up a notch. So, if anybody in the back isn't too scared to take on a 'Hardcore Legend in the Making', and one of the few FUTURE GREATS in this business, come on down and accept my challange. But I won't just sit here and wait for some crappy old ass wrestler to come here right now, and accept my challenge. I'm goin in my locker room. So if any of you guys wanna accept my challenge....You'll find me in my dressing room. And, another thing, be forewarned, if anybody steps in my way of my dreams..


'Hit the Floor' blasts once more, as Darkeffect drops his mic and rolls out of the ring. He slaps some more fans' hands as he walks up the ramp. He walks to the back as the scene fades. ]

88 Disclaimer 77 
This Layout was created by John L. aka Kraze, and so were the graphics! Nobody has permission to use this without consulting him first.