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Who's Seth Raines?

Scene's open at The Dan Sawyer Estate. There he is in the back of his living room sitting with his future wife Taylor. They seem to be watching Scarface sitting on the thousand dollar couch. Dan Sawyer begins to stand up as Taylor looks at him.

Dan Sawyer: Give me one second I have to make a phone call

Taylor: Okay.

Dan Sawyer turns around and continues walk toward the the kitchen to call some ol chaps. He enters the kitchen to see a salad sitting on his granite counter tops then to the right he sees the phone and picks it up and dials a number but sadly it's censord by the camera. It rings for about five seconds then there is finaly and answer

Dan Sawyer: Hello.

Person on the other end: Hello who is this?

Dan Sawyer: This is Dan Sawyer. Is this Grimjack?

Grimjack: Yes what would you like?

Dan Sawyer: Well I just got in and I checked my schedule and i'm not busy maybe we could get to gether sometime and talk business. You know like future plans for the HWA.

Grimjack: Sure.

Dan Sawyer: Okay then how about tomorrow around two thirty pm?

Grimjack: Sure.

Dan Sawyer: Okay i'll see you tomorrow.

Dan Sawyer hangs up the phone but then for some reason it suddenly rings two seconds after he hangs up. Dan picks it up.

Dan Sawyer: Hello

Richard: Dan Sawyer. we have a problem.

Dan Sawyer: whats the problem?

Richard: Someone has hacked into the EWA bank account and stole all the money.

Dan Sawyer(Out Ranged):What? Your kidding me right?

Richard: No, what are we going to do?

Dan Sawyer: Hold on i'll contact the police.

Richard: Okay.

Dan Sawyer: Okay i'll head down there now.

Richard(Panicing): Okay hurry we need our money back.

Dan Sawyer: okay good bye

Dan Sawyer hangs up the phone and rushes out the door to his Viper and speeds down Maple Ave and down to the police station.

He enters the police station breathing hard and walks up to the counter.

Dan Sawyer: EMERGENCY!

Cop: Whats wrong son?

Dan Sawyer: Some one has stolen all of the money from the EWA bank account!

Cop:What Timmy is caught in the burning barn? Look i've heard it before sit down and take a ticket.

Dan Sawyer: Look asshole but the EWA is being robbed naked of all its money! and I own 90 percent of it!

Cop:Son look

Dan Sawyer: Im not your fucking son get my money back now, I have the best lawyer in the whole country.

Cop: Okay hold up who are you again?

Dan Sawyer: DAN SAWYER!

Cop: Oh shit your not kidding, next time the robber accesses the account we will locate him, and then try him in court.

Dan Sawyer: Okay thanks you!

Dan Sawyer leaves and enters his Viper and drives back up to his house on Maple Ave. He re-enters and then calls Richard Compaq back.

Dan Sawyer: Richard they are going to track him next time he goes on the account.

Richard: Okay.

Dan Sawyer: Well I have to go.

Richard: Okay.

Now we see Dan Sawyer walking into his living room where Taylor is seen shocked looking at the televsion.

Taylor: Dan come here.

Judgeing by the tone of her voice, I can well say that its bad news. The out of the blue I here my name said on the tv. So I walked over and sat down on the nice couch, and turned to the televison to see an eight-teen year old punk on television goes by the name Catalyst He sang to the beat of what seemed to be a remix of Without me performed by Eminem. He had insulted me but I shall not take that from an eight-teen year old punk kid. I shall not explode last time I was insultd back in the eightys when I fought Don Black


I walked down the ramp to the ring of course in the eighty's and a poor fed with a low budget, no music was playing. I enterd the ring wearing my ring attire suddenly I notice I had been pants by my opponent Don Black, He was the practical jokester in the SWL "Suicidal Wrestling League" for those of you who don't know. Now I picked up my pants and yelled and cust. My opponent Don Black was laughing on the ground so I walked over and hit him in the face. I heard his nose brake on impact