* t e S i a *

s/o to my girlies

liz - elmo, you are the greatest. haha.. you shp slut."waiit i just wanna say bye to jan" (20 min later) "ok, we can go now", hocus??? you are such a clepto- that purse @ jingle ball, the secret french story, NYC trips & barcode, benji - frisky pup, ping pong tourney queen of the court, blow into the bottle.. harder, jaimies old pictures... "he's handsome", matching thongs..? but those arent tight pants?! the kazoo....! elmo fine, halloween '02, facepainting in the bathroom, "dave" and the cardboard striplets, bowling with sam(gutterball) michael anthony is mocking me, nov 2nd, yay... " i feel like scooby doo..(why)... i just dooo" hahah , harry potter is soooooooo good, block 6 free, argyle? huh?? haha...ganging up on sam, lemme work it, hiding the $5, mm ice cream, sTu-RaD, maggie dance 4 lifeeeee. UCLA-ness and AUP-ness , hahahah. "ra ta ta ta ta ta ta ta ta .... ba donk a donk donk... Why-thai,-thai-o-toy-o-thai-thai " "waait.. whaaatt is she saying?" "Why-thai,-thai-o-toy-o-thai-thai??? OK!! hahaha. ladies (ladies) gentlemen (gentlemen), here jaimie.. its the box of "sanitary things", that was a crazy game of poker.. thuper thexy thammi....thongage (hiding sam's and making her mad)...your laugh (so fake) just fall on the floor and laugh. drunk on the VODKA sauce...yeahh we were *we are such rebels* xoxo

jaimie - you and all your stalker/sketchy boys. msd dance... mark and bendel, o joy. alex and nick.. who shot nick! hocus???? your socks... ohh man (j/k) benji - frisky pup, fishing, all those 3rd grade stories.. "he's handsome" ping pong queen of the court!! you doing the cara dance, in front of your mirror. face painting in the bathroom.. my crayon was so much better. harry potter is soooooooooo good, dai kichi 4 ever, jingle ball & zootopia's, just blow in the bottle! (he likes to listen in on our conversations, so now we listen in on his.. shhh!!) halloween '02. jiggy mchiggie. argyle? huh?? haha....who said that! whaaat? in the butt!?? your house is so "cozy" haha * xoxo

cara - nov 2nd.. halloween '02..hoebagg!! who said that! whaat? in the butt?? y tu mama tambien.. es verdad.. palabra, jack: peace and unity, he's cool. haha. NYC trips and barcode, smack my bitch up/mark my book up, thexsai thammi..our ugly russian hottie w/ gold underwear... ice shows, playing hide-n-go seek with ur cousins. s-sisters, lesbian-ish-ish-ish, sushi! i'm your name stealer... frances(haha)flying fuck...FMW, mr.alpert the "touchy-feely man", flirt fest, hottie hunting... we only dance for nelly, ganging up on sam... "whos your housekeeper, what do you keep in your houusee" ralph!!, melf and elf * the ugly vietnamese crackwhooree...our lil teddy bear, nsb, bowling with sam (the gutterball), stalking monkey man, purple body suits RULE, brist, SeX boMb,"dave" and the cardboard striplets ...hey ma, leehhgss, you gotta put your head UP! hey-zeus!! shp & msd dances, liz and jan... "we can go now"... teaching you how to speak polish... "Ela, choc tu..." swaamm? mamu! babciu! Daj buzi, writing in russian... yay block 4 free!! two steppin in jaimie's basement, takin crazy pics, hiding the $5, your knight in shining armor...carona, tekila and lil rebel 4ever * xoxo

sam - halloween '02, good times @ your house.. so crazy, bad stuff. jj, telling secrets.. your mommm. shopping, leeggss.. thank god you taught cara how to speak. swaamm? mamu! daj buzi. my dog is sooo much cuter. "our house.. in the middle of the street". that's what your mom said last night...(TWICE)...takin pictures of the trick-or-treaters.. aww.. your great grandma ethel aka gigi.. like the dog. seniors boys are hot. yeaa the 3 c's. and NO its NOT a deal.. get over it. you sound like my math teacher.. NO DEALS! "can we do this deal with this deal" "is this underwear part of the deal too?" (speaking of math teachers, mrs speed looks like cara's mom, and mr. hessler is her dad) retainer girls. let her get a taste of her own medicine, whoah! stop with the metaphors.. haha. thongage, HOW many times are we going to watch american pie?? rich lives across the river. chinese foood yumm. "where?? im coming NOW"..(5 min later)"wheres the food?!" (5 min later) all gone! oh noooo!!... grendel's mom = stiffler's mom, hiding the $5, get on your knees and say my name! we love rod and algae...whatt? do it in the butt? in the Bushes.. o yea! beetle * xoxo

halloween '02

m&m's... they melt in your mouth, not in your hand
c-ski * beetle * mchiggie * land o'legs * elmo
*b f f l*

to my favorite wcc-ers

* heather * shara * lauren * doreen * arielle * vanessa * lindsay * blake * danielle * jennie * margaret * vicky * sara* jesse * jesse * derek * ed * elan * dan * *rich * brandon * benji * and everyone else...
* you guys made my summer * xoxox * i miss you all so much *

* shut the fuck up bitch * vagina massage * the ladies man * redrum * dead ppl tally * do it in the butt * whistle * " i've hooked up with all of europe" * little boy * random dancin anytime/anywhere * *kissing 12 yr olds * clubbing * elan's sandwiches * shoppping in paris * petit bateau and herve * taxi rides * bucketting * "yes i think" * 5 am in rome * wyatt * iSHIT * get off the ho train *councelor sluts * on tour boys * life as a fucking house * alessio/fellatio * beetle juice *
best foreign relations

seventy two hours is all it takes

westcoast pics '02

endless conversations/crazee nights * jingle ball and zootopia * craig david * sam likes to hump poles in town * southhampton