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SORE THUMBS: A Web Comic for the Communist Inclined

Author: =][= Morok

(NOTE: Sorry for the long rant; I couldn't resist writing it and there was too much fro me to hold back and keep it short.)

Recently, in my search for more web comics I’ve come across one called SORE THUMBS. So far, the art is good and the story line is interesting, but there is one thing that ticks me off about the: the far left liberal bias. The comics is pretty much set up with politics first, story line second, and art third in priorities. When it isn’t making actually funny humor (few and far between) it’s taking pot shots at conservatives. It portrays conservatives as heartless toward liberals, bible thumping, insensitive, rich, privileged people who can only recite Conservative doctrines instead of making actual points.

Highest in the “piss-off-O-meter” is the one of the main characters who owns the video store, Sore Thumbs (Fairbanks). He is portrayed as a bland, mean, super-Jesus conservative who killed two Arabs who he thought were terrorists (and actually were) and only got away with it “only because 9-11 happened one week before.” Second, the discharged soldier (Sawyer Kaden) was discharged from the military when his army buddies played a prank on him and left him in the desert. An Arab rode by on a horse and slashed his dick off with a sword. The army thought he did it himself and discharged him. They wouldn’t even pay for his FLIGHT HOME, and his mother died trying to pay for a ticket to get him back. Third, is the portrayal of the liberal/hero as a beautiful, smart, witty, college grad who is hated by her conservative mother and brother.

Now, I do enjoy the comic, and I’m liberal on many accounts (including gay marriage which was a BIG statement in comics early on) but this is just over the top. It’s like Michael Moore and Al Franken decided to sit down and make fun of themselves by writing a shameless web comic. It’s almost sickening, and is like watching a black comic joke about racism for two hours (see ANY black comic). Congrats, you wrote a comic that can be best labeled as a giant, steaming pile of propaganda, no better than Bush, Kerry, NOFX, and all the other political whores.

Yet, the one of the creators (Chris Crosby) claims “I support the troops 100%.” I guess that “troops” doesn’t cover the “military” as well, because it’s a pretty harsh image of the military that is written into here. I love how whenever liberals and left-wing nut-fuckers attack the troops in any way and a service member responds (see the blog on 4/26/04 Support The Troops Who Read Our Comic!) to how that isn’t helping support our troops, they immediately come back with:

  1. ”I support our troops 100/1,000/1,000,000,000%!!!!!!!1!11”
  2. ”I support our troops! I say we bring them home!”
  3. ”…but I don’t support the war for oil.”
  4. ”…but I don’t support Bush!”
  5. ”…but war is bad!!!1!”

Talk about sounding like a robot. Just take your fucking criticism and go back to your socialist idealized world were everyone runs around naked and gives each other hugs while real men fight the assholes who WANT TO DESTROY OUR CULTURE!

And the portrayal of conservatives as rich heartless bastards is ridiculous. It’s just like portraying liberals as all Al Franken-robots or 70’s hippies. Last time I checked, most Americans were conservatives who go and work at real jobs, hoping that the government does something about illegal workers and affirmative action taking away seats that AREN’T EVEN BEING FILLED BY THE MINOIRTY STUDENTS THAT THEY ARE THERE FOR and fucking their child out of their top priority education.

Democrats (the majority in the south at the time) only had 62% of elected officials voting for an end to segregation, in opposed to the 92% of Republicans. Higher taxes (a Democrat cornerstone) keep minorities down and their education reforms keep them from getting into decent, majority white schools ( The same people who would just as soon pull out of Iraq so that people like Al Sadr can take over and form a Neo-Taliban extremist government and reopen rape and torture cells, filling them with people who want to have the American values like freedom of speech and press, to assemble at rallies JUST LIKE LIBERALS DO without being shot, imprisoned and tortured, and to be able to choose their own leader like we are going to do in November!

What happened to the party that was “for the people?” I guess by “people” they mean for “American whites who like the government breathing down their necks.”

And I’m not saying that the Republican party has the best record either, but it’s the lesser of two evils here. Essentially you are voting for “will the terrorists win or lose?”

Last point in an already too long rant (and I doubt many are reading this far) is the idea the Senator Kerry would be a better commander and chief because he fought one and a half tours in Vietnam and earned three purple hearts (among others, such as the Silver Star). Great honors indeed, so why doesn’t the military and it’s troops support Kerry so whole heartily? Well, probably because he threw that Silver Star back at the government like the scum-bag bastard he is. And a lot of those stories that he PUBLICALLY DENOUNCED as so wrong? According to others who supported his stories, they all had MADE THEM UP because fighting the government and stopping the war was a bigger priority than the truth.

Oliver North is a true soldier. He’s the Marine (and FoxNews correspondent) that stood up to a Congressional Inquiry to during the Iran/Contra scandal. He wouldn’t give an inch to the council looking to indite President Reagan, even though he thought it was wrong for the President to initiate the scandal (never proven, I might add). THAT’S being a loyal military soldier. THAT’S why troops love Oli and dislike Kerry.

Now, I support called SORE THUMBS, because the writer and artist have a write to say their opinion on how they see things as I have for saying that the comic is Left-Wing robot spew on mine. Hopefully, they will continue to write this comic (I’m an avid reader, great art AND it gives me stupid liberal material to spew rants about? Sign me up for a full membership) and keep spouting their bullshit.

Not totally related, but I like this Winston Churchill quote anyway. This can put things into perspective if you understand it (and old Winston was very good at that):

”If you are not a liberal when you are young, you have no heart. If you are not a conservative when you are old, you have no brain.”