Tendo-Saotome Anything Goes

What is the price of a normal life for Saotome Ranma?

When Ranma shows up at the Tendos' door, he's had enough of the road, with no friends, no roots, no life. When Ranma and Akane take an instant liking to one another, despite that Ranma asserts that she is, in fact, a he, Ranma decides to stick around for good - and deceive the rest of the Tendos.

After all, the ends justify the means.


TSAG now has some excellent fanart by John Patrick! You can check out his two great pics by going to the main page and clicking on 'Fanart'. Do most pages link fanart by story, or do they have one fanart repository, like I do? Please email me your comments! No, really!

All chapters are fixed now, so you can read them to your heart's content. ;)

Chapter One: the Redhead and the Dog

This chapter has fanart!

Chapter Two: the Semblance of a Normal Life

Chapter Three: Poison

Chapter Four: Terrible No-Good Awful Very Bad Day

Chapter Five: the Path and the Way

Chapter Six: Ryoga's Curse

This chapter has fanart!

Chapter Seven: The End of the Beginning

Tendo-Saotome Anything Goes will be continued in Juketsuzoku-Fu. (7/26/04)

This story is in the Rakhal Likes section of the Ranma Fanfiction Index! (see links page to visit)

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