::::::what dreams are made of::::: 

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My New AND improved Web Page! ENJOY and come again!! im not quite finished the site but keep checking back for updates! :::SEFORA UPDATES::: currently there are none...hahah megan...in need of guitar lessons, drums, and bass.... :::Singles Club Updates::: Members :me: :kt: :emma:
TSC is in need of new members....contact me...or katie for more informtion
::WHich Do u LIke Better????

Dunkin doughnuts
Krispy kreme

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:://::august 15,2003:://:: today was okay...i had to wake up really early and my dad made me go to mass cuz its a holy day..haha neways i came home and went back to sleep. me and Katie went to sea girt beach and hung out with emma...and then we went to get soemthing to eat and katie told me to wear my shoes but of course i didnt listen so now I CANT WALK! hahah neways im bored.....so call me on my cell 848 667 1623 :://::august 14,2003:://:: i went down to bayhead today and saw kaitlyn, lindsay, and jen. it was pretty fun....lindsay taught me to fish and shes only like 8 haha....it was so gross!!!! hahah i am so bored.... call me tomorrow.... oh yeah i got mah physical today BEWARE::they GIVE U A TETNIS SHOT if u are going into 9th grade WATCH OUT! lol ~peace~ :://::august 5, 2003:://:: today could be the most boring day of the ENTIRE YEAR! Elena came home yesterday with her new cat.....hahah eeee...lol Fi left today for Hawii....i am soo jealous.... i want to do something soo bad but anyways tomorrow im goin to nY ill update later ~peace~ ::JOHN mAYER=concert=BLISS!!!!!:: SOOOOOOOO EXCITED! hahah :::::More Stuff::::: Stuf About Me Page Dedicated to Elena! Fee:s DedicAtion Page! lol My page DedIcataed To JOHN MAYER gabby

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this page was made entirely by me...CAITLIN hehe thanks for comming!