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Cheryl Morrison's Home Page

My Favorite things about Angelfire.

My Favorite Links

New Jersey Association for Spiritual,Ethical&Religious Values in Counseling
National Employment Counseling Association
Workforce New Jersey Public Information Network
Workfirst Work Experience Project
American Public Human Service Association
Welfare Information Network
Workforce New Jersey One Stop Career Center
Workforce Investment Board
50 Cents How to Get a Job Lecture

Short Term Goals: My Short term goals are to have a full time job, to be out of my mothers house, and to get off of welfare. Long Term Goals: My Long Term Goals is to hold a high postion in a multi million dollar company. To be financally set so I never have to go back onto welfare. To have purchased a house for my family to live in. To have moved out of New Jersey with my husband and kids.

Send an E Mail to Cheryl

look at my resume

