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Tribal council

The 7 remaining castaways of the Atacamenos tribe walked into the Tribal council. One by one they placed down their torches behind them and all took a seat. Mike stood up straight looked at the survivors and said…


“I now will bring in the two members of the Jury, Steffeny and Joe.” With that, they both walked past. As Joe sat down, he locked in on the final 7 and gave them an evil, pissed off glare. 


Nick, you have decided to use to Tiki Idol. Why?

“Well, I'd just be stupid not to. I honestly don't feel threatened this Tribal Council, to be honest. But ya know? Better safe than sorry. I want to stay in the game just as much as anyone else, so this is just like a little token. Who wouldn't want free immunity?"

Josie, explain to my last week why Joe? And what is the vibe around camp since his departure.


“Unfortunately someone had to go. I hated for that to happen but it was really out of my hands. From here on out these votes will be getting tougher and tougher to cast. I think everyone felt the same as I did but we all know when you get this far you are going to have to make some tough decisions. This is one of the reasons I gave these games up for about a year and have just recently come back to playing."


Mari, who is your biggest threats right now?

“I don't look at people like threats. Honestly, I think of everyone left as a friend...some are better at challenges than others, some are perhaps better strategists, but I don't look at each person and think, "he's a threat, she's a threat, they have to go."

Phil, how important would you say the Tiki Idol plays into the game?


“Its very important it can save your ass from tribal council votes its like winning personal immunity. For that congrats Nick for having it. Although I need that this tribal council. I just wish that you can pass it to someone but I think Nick will not pass it to me, and I'm just kidding.”


Tim, paranoid at all? What is the deal going on at camp?


“Yes, actually I'm getting very paranoid.  I totally flipped out on Gina, which is not a good thing.  So, I think the votes are coming my way this TC.  I just want to make it perfectly clear to Gina, that I'm truly sorry.  I spoke out of anger, which is something I don't so very often.  To vote me out for something silly like that is kind of dumb.”


Amy, what is the status going on with the rumors at camp? Do you trust anyone at all?


“You know what, I hear a new rumor every day.I find it hilarious that people have thought I have been all these different alliances or made deals, I sure wish someone would have told me about them.Trust is very hard in these games and its not only who you trust, its when do you trust them.”


Phil, What has it taken to get this far in the game, knowing 6 of you have a 1:6 chance of winning this game after tonight’s vote?


“Reaching this far is my biggest accomplishment if I get voted out tonight I can say that I did my very best and I gave 100% of my strength although I want to win of course. In addition, I feel like I'm welcome to the tribe although I came halfway from their location they approached me very well and they are all nice from day 1 when I got a chance to met Bob, Josie and Mari when we merged to 2 tribes and met Joe, Logan, Simone and Steff and lastly the merged when I met more people like Amy, Gina and Nick they all seem nice and cool. It was an awesome experience reaching this far."


Amy, how about you?

“I think that hard work and dedication has gotten us all here. All of the remaining players are strong competitors and I'm proud to be amongst with them.”


“I feel that everyone left has worked hard and has been dedicated to the game. They're all likeable people and they all deserve to be here in the final 7. It feels very surprising to still be around, but it's a good feeling.”


“What has taken me this far in the game is my strength and believing in my self. i think we have all come a long way to get this far and we all deserved it. Each every one of us has a distinct quality which makes us succeed.”

Gina, how the hell did you solve that Immunity Challenge? How much of a target do you feel knowing past two councils you received numerous amounts of votes?


"Knowing that I desperately needed it, I switched my attitude to motivation and put my mind to the test. I must of have erased my piece of paper that I was solving about 100 times. i finally got all the answers down and sent with a gut instinct believing in myself. How much do i feel as a target? A lot! Both times I didn’t expect it. I be me, and act myself. if people cant accept me and don’t like me for who I am, I cant help them. Maybe if people confronted me then there would be so much chaos."


Nick, what is the alliance situation at camp?

"For once, I don't know. I really feel like the minority in the game. I'm fortunate to know what's going on and who goes, but I generally have little to no input. Recently, anyway. But my trust is still there, and I'm thankful for that. Chances are, if I've told someone I won't vote against them, I'll stick to that. I know alliances are there, but I haven't gotten to the center of one- that is for sure."

Tim, please explain to me what happened a few hours ago, concerning Joe I believe. What was the little spat I heard about all over?


“Well I had heard from one of my sources, Gina had told Joe that I was the reason that he got voted out.  This truly made me very angry.  So angry that I had to confront Gina about it.  I guess it's best to get it out in the open, and I apologize.”


Gina, can you give me your side to this story?


“Honestly I have no idea. Tim just IMed me practically yelling me and accusing me I was telling Joe stuff when I didn’t talk to him all that day and even the day before. If Tim wants to believe Joe, he can go right because I can care less that he believes a lie. Tim did apologize and I accepted it but he should of confronted me rather than assuming. Joe was probably just pissed at me, and that he was out and I was still in so he decided to take all his shit out on me."


Nick, what is your out takes on this, if you have gotten wind of it.

“I knew that they were fighting, but I never knew what about. Both of them asked me for advice, but it really just confused me a lot more. So I was like... well I don't know. I probably avoided it all, it sounded complicated.”


“I have heard of the confrontation, and I know Gina and Tim are both nice people, so I think it was most likely a misunderstanding that turned into something it wasn't.”

Josie, what are you basing tonight’s vote on?


"Same strategy I have been basing it on and I hope it works”


Phil, who is in control of this game?


“I'm in control I guess, I can't actually name people directly and tell them face to face that they’re in control of the game. It’s much safer to say that I'm in control than saying someone is controlling the game."


“Now remember, Nick is using the Tiki Idol he won last Tiki Challenge and Gina is Immune from the vote. With that said, it is time to vote. Tim your up first….”

One by one the 7 survivors went up to cast their vote. Amy walked up the camera and wrote down her vote and said this to the camera, “You are just the next link in the chain to me…”

Phil walked up and then wrote down JOSIE's names and spoke his peace "I am voting for you once more because I cannot vote for Gina..."

Mike said, “I’ll go tally the votes.” He walked up and picked up the urn and brought it to his stand. “Now remember, the person voted out tonight will be the 3rd members of our jury and will join Joseph and Steffeny. They will be invited back every tribal council to see how things are going. Now, once the votes are read, the decision is final. The person will be asked to leave immediately.”


First Vote:




















































































Second Vote:






































Third Vote:


























Fourth Vote:



















































2 Votes Josie, 2 Votes Tim


Fifth Vote:

























































Sixth Vote:






















































Seventh and Final Vote:





















































The 3rd person on our Jury and the 10th person voted out of the Atacama…



















































“Tim, Please bring me up your torch” Tim walked up, and placed down his torch in front of Mike.


“Tim, the tribe has spoken.”


“We are not up to 3 jury, and 6 of you left. These next few days are valuable. It seems as if there is a solid alliance in the tribe and picking the men off one by one now. Only two more tribal councils until we get to our well deserved Final four. I will see you all tomorrow for your next and LAST Tiki Idol Challenge. Good night“

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