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*-*hey kiddo0os*-* how goes it? M *Danielle*, otherwise known as haRdc0re o0obubbleso0o.iM thA sweet aGe of 17 aNd im a sEniOr at JMHS..cHances R yOull cetch Me at a haRdcOre shOw iN thA jeRsey/new yOrk aRea...oR at thA mall workin at Hot Topic..musiC, gOin ta shOws, ComiX, caRto0ns, and Video Games r muh life..along with collectin misolanious crap and stickin it to muh walls in muh ro0m.(i have a half eaten cheese steak up there now!)*giggles* eVen thO iM a hUge doRk i have thA besTest fRiends anYone coUld EVER aSk foR (iM suRe theY knO whO theY r...) and i jus waNted tO tHank theM fOr giVin Me eVery ReasOn tO waKe uP iN thA mOrnin..I LOVE U ALL...but yeaH..noW yOu caN go gRab tHat co0kie dougH iCe cReaM aNd a huGe Glass oF mOuntiAn dEw aNd gO lo0k aT thA reSt Of muH shittY paGe...And d0nt f0rGet t0 take 0ff yOur paNts!..*giggles*Xo0oXo0oXo0oXo0oX-Danielle *sXe*...