Your #1 source for Weird Crap


Stuff To Know
Why Canada sucks major ass
Poop Words
Monkey Army
Substance Abusing drunk funny looking people
Funny wav. files from all over
Links, To The Few Sites We Like
Piss in your pants funny story about my pet monkeys
Funny Bumper Stickers
EX-Lax story
Heaven Downsizes
Star wars uses Ebonics
Elizabeth Hurley (hehehehehehe)
If I had A Monkey.......

Smack the Nazi

Nazi ( I think he's about to get smacked. )

Fucking Howdy! If you like funny shit like monkeys getting charred like pieces of chicken, various religious, political, and cultural leaders getting mocked and/or shot, and mild satire, you've come to the right place! We've got everthing from the world famous "Bill Clinton Christmas Poo" and the "Monkey Story" to the lesser known "Monkey Pope" and "Ex-Lax story" We've also got lots of funny songs, jokes, and poems about all kinds of cool shit. Here at, we strive to annoy!

Prepare to be Annoyed! PARENTAL FUCKING ADVISORY!!! The site has some adult content - so all you 12 year olds on your parent's computers piss off!

Last note, we don't like Preps, Fags, Wiggers, Jocks, and various other assorted assholes on our site, SO PISS OFF!

SNARK: Toss a few at these and watch them tear flesh from bone.

In accordance with Federal Regulation number 69, signed by President Clinton, we are not responsible for any riots, acts of violence, muggings, assaults (No, not the Backstreet Boys kind..), Accidental/Off Target Napalm strikes, Murder One convictions, Repeated drunk driving offenses, Speeding tickets, or public nudity.

Unfortunatly, under an obscure New Jersey State Law, we can be held responsible for building code violations and public urination.

Oh yeah, one last thing, you like the site - you're a sick, sick person with a twisted sense of humor, you don't like the site - You can go fuck your self! So it all fucking works out, capiche?

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