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For Class of 92 Reunion pictures go to the Dover tab. Para mi pagina de fotos en Español tienes que ir a Family, escojer Other Family.

Well it has been a long time since I've updated this site, I'm finally getting around to updating it a little. I am gearing up to make my big move in Decmeber, I can't wait, it feels like it's taking forever.

September 11th 2001, WTC Attacks

I was there; I saw when the second plane hit. I was supposed to go to WFC to pick computer equipment up, but was switched going to Wall St at the last second. I definitely had a guardian angel looking over me. We heard the first tower get hit, we thought it was an accident, so we turned on the radio and heard it was a plane. So we walked over to see it. Then you heard a jet coming and we saw the second plane hit, everybody started running. I saw people falling down, a woman held onto me to keep from falling, I was freaking out, I got separated from my brother it freaked me out. We say TV crews at the stock exchange so when we say the paper in the air we thought it was confetti, I saw a woman crying, and I was like what's her problem. The first tower was on fire, and you could see the outside of the building starting to expand, the windows that is. On TV you don't see on TV is the sea of humanity running, it's just not the same being there to seeing it on TV. Don't get me wrong seeing the footage is horrific, and believe me I have the whole thing playing in my mind over and over again. But then being stuck in traffic and seeing people running past us, looking in the rearview mirrors and seeing tower number 1 falling, seeing the antenna fall off the top, it was surreal. I don't know if the guys from AMEX that I work with are ok, I hope they are. I can't help but think about all the innocent people that died, and the poor fire fighters, and police officers that died tying to save people. This is the worst thing that I have ever witnessed; I've seen a lot of bad things, but this tops all of them.


