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Welcome to the Tonkowa YMCA Papoose, and Indian Guide Tribe Website.
This website documents some experiences that we have shared with our Sons.

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Click the picture above to see some fun things we did together

Some statements taken from the YMCA Papoose and Indian Guide programs ...

In today's world a child and father rarely have time together ...
to talk, to laugh, and to really get to know each other and become friends. The Summit Area YMCA sponsors parent-child programs that give families the opportunity to grow together.

Tribes are formed around neighborhood and school groups.
Groups of 5 to 9 fathers and their children gather each month at a member's home for Tribal Meetings. These meetings consist of games, songs, stories, crafts and fun. Tribes often organize special outings such as apple-picking or canoe trips.

Nation Events bring all of the tribes together. These events, planned by the YMCA, include induction ceremonies, overnight campouts, roller skating and more. Many of these activities include the whole family!
Y-Guides, Princesses, and Papoose run November through June.