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Larissa' College Website

Hey I've made this new webpage to keep everyone update on what's going on in my life! Since we have all taken separate paths to our futures I feel that it's important for all of us to stay in contact! I know we can't talk all the time but this way you guys will be able to see and read what's up with me! So enjoy the following sections that will slowly be making their way up onto the site and you never know what you may learn! hehe! Also email me or IM, for those of you I don't really hear from because I'd always love to hear what's going on with you! Love ya all!


My emotion for today is:

The current mood of at

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Junior Year has Begun!

Ft. Niagara Field School - Summer 2002

A New Year, New Friends

I'm Surrounded by Maniacs!

Spring Break

Friends from Home

NJ Friends Summer 2001

Trip to IUP

UB Friends

UB: South Campus Kim's Hall

Steve's Trip to UB

New York City Trip

Ocean City, NJ

Link's to Friend's Pages

Kim's Homepage
Erica's Page
My Journal
Prom and Graduation Pictures
