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St. Stepanos
Armenian Church Youth Organization of America

President - Very Rev. Fr. Mamigon Kiledjian
Chairmen - Nanor Terjanian & Tarra Kalian
Vice Chairman - Aren Jidarian
Secretary - Taleen Terjanian




~ June 4th - A successful car wash was held right after Church in the parking lot. Thank you to everyone who had their cars washed. Also, a special thanks to everyone who helped us wash the cars.

~ July 5th - The ACYOA got together to go to see Chicken Run in the movies and ice cream afterwards. Thank you to Mrs. McQueen for driving the van.

~ August 2nd - The ACYOA went to see Les Misérables on Broadway. It was a wondeful day spent in New York City. Thank you to Mrs. Polkowski for arranging the tickets and Mrs. Kado for driving the van.
~ August 12 & 13th - The ACYOA raised over $400 at the Parish Council Picnic. Thank you to everyone who bought the brownies, participated in the raffles, and donated money. A special thanks to the Parish Council as well.

~September 17th - The ACYOA had another car wash. Thank you to everyone who came. Special thanks to everyone who washed cars.

~November 19th - The ACYOA put up and decorated the St. Stepanos Christmas tree.

~December 8th and 9th - The ACYOA sold pointsettias at the WG Food Festival.

~December 27th - We went to NYC. We visited Rockefeller Center, St Patrick's Cathedral, FAO Schwarz, amongst other places. It was a great day!



~February 17th - The ACYOA got together for a Bible study, and afterwards we watched The Sixth Sense.

~March 10th - The ACYOA went to the Cultural Awareness Festival in Jackson, New Jersey. We had a table set up with Armenian items. Special thanks to Mrs. McQueen for coordinating the event.

~April 1st - The ACYOA planted a tree on the Church grounds to commerate St. Gregory. We also served bread and water to symbolize the Feast of St. Gregory the Illuminatior's Commitment to the Pit. Special thanks to Mr. Oscherijian for help with the planting.

~April 8th - The ACYOA held a Palm Sunday Luncheon. We served lahmajun and dessert. Special thanks to all the ACYOA parents for donating dessert and soda, Mrs. Kado, Dr. Vassilian, and Mrs. Guglielmo and the 3M Organization for donating the door prize.

~August 9th - The ACYOA got together to bake chocolate chip cookies and brownies for the Annual Parish Council Picnic.

~August 29th - The ACYOA went to Pt. Pleasant.

~November 4th - ACYOA Meeting and "Movie Night"

~November 17th and 18th - The ACYOA held a fundraiser at the Annual Women's Gulid Food Festival. We sold t-shirts, aprons, and CD's. Half of the proceeds will go to the Twin Towers Orphan Fund, a 9/11 relief fund.

~December 16th - Lunch and bowling in Red Bank



~February 10th - The St. Stepanos ACYOA attended the St. Leon’s ACYOA Valentine’s Dance in Fair Lawn, New Jersey.  

~March 24th - The ACYOA hosted the Palm Sunday luncheon following church services. Lahmajun and dessert was served, and a 50/50 raffle was held.

~May 26th - The ACYOA planted flowers outside the church.

~June 9th - The ACYOA raffled Metro Stars Tickets at the Women's Guild Mother's Luncheon.  Congratulations to Mr. Berj Buchackjian, the lucky winner!  Special thanks to Mrs. McQueen for her generous donation!

~August 17th and 18th - The ACYOA participated in the Annual Parish Council Picnic by serving the drinks, as well as setting up a “Kiddie Corner” table with games and prizes for the youngest visitors to the picnic.             

~November 3rd - the ACYOA attended a “Badarak Discussion” presented by Mr. Chris Kesici.  At the presentation, the ACYOA learned about the traditions of the Armenian Church.  Following the discussion, the ACYOA watched SisterAct II.

~November 9th and 10th - The ACYOA assisted with the Women's Guild Food Festival by organizing the 50/50 raffles.


If you have any questions or comments, please direct
them to the chairman, Nanor Terjanian, at :