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Street Team


What I am about to write here is vital to the promotion of the
Spiwhittle Demo Tape.

Our main idea for promotion is a street team.
This is a big scam in which,
you send us your name, address, zip code, and phone #,
say that you want to help out by joining the Spitwhittle Street Team,
and we will send you 10 copys of the demo tape.
With these 10 copys, you will have to give hand them out to your friends for a low
price wich hasnt been decided on yet.
If you can help us out...YOU GET A FREE COPY OF THE NEW DEMO TAPE.
The profits will be sent back to us here at Spitwhittle.
Every tape that you dont sell will be sent back to us.

If you want to help out by joining the street team, then e-mail me with the information listed above at