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You are invited to participate in the "Make It, Move It, Match It" project!
There are 3 phases to sign-up:
Phase 1: E-mail the following information by OCTOBER 31, 2000
  • Teacher Name
  • Grade
  • School Name & Address
  • Your E-mail Address
  • Phase 2: Select Partner School by NOVEMBER 29, 2000
  • Select a partner school from the participating school list
  • Contact the school via email, telephone or regular mail
  • Determine date of device description swap 
  • Determine date to share picture of  devices
  • Phase 3: E-mail names of partner schools by NOVEMBER 30, 2000
    Click here to view a list of participating schools
    (the list will be available on-line from November 1, 2000 - November 29, 2000)

        Feel free to refer to the Project Calendar for a suggested time line of project activities.
    Keep in mind, that once your class has built your contraption and is ready to share the design, this collaboration  must be completed in a timely fashion.

    E-mail us with any questions:
    or click on the envelope below