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Homework Assignments for Mr. Bernosky's Lab Biology Classes

Homework Assignments for the week of 6/11 to 6/15.

Period 1 Lab Biology
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
No Homework No Homework Final exam review Final exam review Final exam review

Period 3 Honors Lab Biology
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
No Homework No Homwwork Final exam review
Final exam review Final exam review

Period 4 Lab Biology
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
No Homework No Homework Final exam review Final exam review Final exam review

The following questions will be found on this year's Lab Biology Final Exam.

1. Which of the following animals has radial symmetry? a. tapeworm b. planaria c. coral d. sponge

2. All invertebrates a. live in water b. have tentacles c. have no backbone d. are heermaphrodites

3. Animals in which the anus develops form the blastopore include a. eaarthworms b. snails c. insects d. man

4. A characteristic that differentiates roundworms from flatworms is a. the presence of an anus b. a bilaterally symmetrical body plan c. the presence of mesoderm d. cephalization

5. Sponges belong to the phylum a. protista b. porifera c. cnidaria d. platyhelminthes

6. Which of the following is not sessile as an adult? a. hydra b. Portuguese man of war c. polyps d. sponge

7. In an open circulatory system a. body tissues are bathed directly in blood b. wastes are eliminated directly to the environment from the tissues c. lungs branch into small tubules to provide oxygen to the tissues d. water is drawn into the mantle cavity to provide oxygen to body tissues

8. Bacteria produce yogurt from milk by a. aerobic respiration b. fixing nitrogen c. fermentation d. conjugation

9. Parapodia are a distinguishing characteristic of the class a. Hirudinea b. Oligochaeta c. Bivalvia d. Polychaeta

10. At some stage of development, all chordates have a supportive rod along their back called the a. notochord b. pharynx c. postanal tail d. spinal cord

11. all of the following human diseases are caused by a species of fungus except a. athlete's foot b. ringworm c. jock itch d. influenza

12. During Nitrogen fixation, gaseous nitrogen is converted to a. ammonia b. carbon c. methane d. nitrate

13. The process by which two Paramecia come together after meiosis to exhange parts of their genetic material is called a. conjugation b. replication c. pollination d. mitosis

14. The term dorsal refers to a. the top of a bilateral animal b. the front end of a bilateral animal c. the tail end of a bilateral animal d. the bottom surface of a bilateral animal

15. Small bristle-like hairs called __________ extend from the body walls of earthworms and act as anchors as the worm moves. a. chitin b. cilia c. nephridia d. setae

16. Planarians use thier eyespots to a. move away from light b. to locate prey c. move toward light d. to avoid predators

17. Which of the following structures is involved in grinding food in the earthworm? a. pharynx b. crop c. intestines d. gizzard

18. Flatworms reproduce asexually by a. forming larvae b. fission c. exchanging both sperm and egg d. producing polyps

19. Animals must eat because they are a. not autotrophic b. neither autotrophic or heterotrophic c. both autotrophic and heterotrophic d. not heterotrophic

20. Gills are organs specialized for a. locomotion b. digestion c. gas exchange d. excretion

21. All arthropods have a. spiracles b. jointed appendages c. antennae d. a cephalothorax

22. Saprophytic bacteria obtain energy a. from the sun b. by feeding on dead and decaying matterial c. by oxidizing organic compounds d. by feedig on living organismss

23. Water leaves the interior of a sponge through a. the oscululm b. an incurrent siphon c. an amoebocyte d. an ostia

24. The complete digestion and absorption of food takes place in an earthworm's a. crop b. gizzard c. intestine d. esophagus

25. The function of the gastric caeca is to a. store undigested food b. secrete digestive enzymes c. remove celluar wastes d. secrete saliva

26. The fungus Rhizopus usually can be found growing on a. decaying logs b. soil c. fruit d. bread

27. The subphylum of modern arthropods that is primarily aquatic is a. uniramia b. chelicerata c. crustacea d. trilobita

28. Which of the following is not part of a molecule of DNA? a. deoxyribose b. ribose c. phosphate d. nitrogen base

29. The term ventral refers to a. the front of a bilateral symmetrical animal b. the top surface of a bilateral symmetrical animal c. the bottom surface of a bilateal symmetrical animal d. the tail end of a bilateral symmetrical animal

30. The feeding stage of a plamodial slime mold is called a. an amoeba b. a zygospore c. a fruiting body d. a plamodium

31. Each of the following paris lists an anatomical feature of the grasshopper and its function. Which pair is incorrect? a. spiracles/air intake b. antennae/touch c. ovipositor/egg laying d. typanum/odor detection

32. Members of the phylum Sporozoa do not cause a. coccidiosis b. toxoplamosis c. giardiasis d. malaria

33. Sponges belong to the Subkingdom a. chordata b. animalia c. metazoa d. parazoa

34. A pseudocoelom is located a. between the mesoderm and the endoderm b. in the endoderm c. between the mesoderm and the ectoderm d. in the ectoderm

35. Scyphozoans, such as jellyfish, spend most of their lives as a. coral b. parasites c. polyps d. medusae

36. Myriapods include a. crayfish b. spiders c. millipedes and centipedes d. grasshoppers

37. The green alga Ulva forms a sporophyte that has structures called a. sporagia b. antheridia c. gametangia d. carageenan

38. The structure that coordinates the complex activities of a cnidarian's body is the a. tentacle b. nerve net c. colloblast d. gastrovascular cavity

39. Codons are a. a site on t-rna b. three nucleotide sequences on m-rna c. sequences of amino acids d. sequences of proteins

40. The term posterior refers to a. the top surface of a bilateal animal b. the bottom surface of a bilateral animal c. the front end of a bilateal animal d. the tail end of a bilateral animal

41. The shell of mollusks is form form secretions of the a. mantle b. foot c. radula d. mantle caavity

42. Most bivalves a. are land dwellers b. are predators c. are parasitic d. are filter feeders

43. Among the vegetarians of the animal kingdom are a. millipedes b. centipedes c. spiders d. ticks

44. The mouthparts of a grasshopper are specialized for a. sucking fluids b. cutting and tearing c. lapping up liquids d. filter feeding

45. When the muscles surrounding the ampullae of a sea star contract, the sea star's a. stomach retracts b. stomach turns inside out c. tube feet retract d. tube feet extend

46. The circulatory system of an earthworm is a. incomplete b. closed d. degenerate

47. The foot of the mollusk performs all of the following functions except a. scraping particles of food off the sea bottom b. capturing prey c. burrowing into sand d. locomotion

48. Segmented worms are known as a. planarians b. nematodes c. annelids d. arthropods

49. Echinoderms and chordates are believed to have evolved from a common ancestor because both groups a. are bilaterally symmetrical b. have a postanal tail c. are deuterostomes d. have radial symmetrical larvae

50. Biologist believe that the most likely ancestors of land plants are members of the phylum a. Phaeophyta b. Euglenophyta c. Chlorophyta d. Chrysophyta

51. To which phylum do roundworms belong? a. Annelida b. Arthropoda c. Platyhelminthes d. Nematoda

52. Gas exchange in many aquatic phyla takes place in the a. lungs b. gills c. kidneys d. gut

53. Characteristics of cnidarians include all of the following except a. collar cells b. nematocysts c. tentacles d. gastrovascular cavity

54. Planaria move over solid surfaces with the aid of a. parapodia b. retractile hooks c. cilia and mucus d. pseudopodia

55. As an animal develops, the ectoderm becomes the a. heart b. muscle tissue c. skin d. tissue that lines the gut

56. All fungi are a. unicellular and photosynthetic b. multicellular and prokaryotic c. eukaryotic and nonphotosynthetic d. prokaryotic and photosynthetic

57. Unlike other arthopods, only insects have a. an exoskeleton mad of chitin b. three major body regions c. wings d. a segmented body

58. Animals that have no true tissue are the a. cnidarians b. chordates c. annelids d. sponges

59. The gills of mushrooms are the sites of spore-bearing structures known as a. mycellia b. basidia c. ascocarps d. conidiophores

60. The process that occurs during development in multicellular organisms and leads to cell specialization is a. differentiation b. evolution c. fertilization d. asexual reproduction

61. Red algae contain an acessory pigment called a. phycobilin b. xanthophyll c. fucoxanthin d. caretene

62. The process of mesoderm formation by division of the cells at the top of the archenteron is called a. determinate cleavage b. indeterminate cleavage c. schizocoely d. entercoely

63. Bacterial DNA is a. linear b. encased in a capsule c. found in the nucleus d. a closed loop

64. Cephalization is associated with a. hydras b. bilaterally symmetrical animals c. sponges d. radial symmetrical animals

65. How many germ layers do Cnidarians have? a. none b. one c. two d. three

66. The scientists credited with establishing the structure of DNA are a. Mendel and Griffith b. Avery and Chargaff C. Hershey and Chase d. Watson and Crick

67. Sponges and Cnidarian polyps are similar in that they both a. are bioluminescent b. are sessile c. display radial symmetry d. have no true tissue

68. A tapeworm uses its scolex to a. reproduce b. eliminate excess water c. attach itself to its host d. force food into its mouth

69. The movements of Cnidarians are coordinated by their a. nematocysts b. gastrodermis c. nerve net d. mesoglea

70. Both feeding and sexual reproduction in sponges involves a. spicules and collar cells b. gemmules and collar cells c. amebocytes and songin d. collar cells and amebocytes

71. A female grasshopper uses her ovipositor to a. inject venom b. store sperm from a mate c. hold food in position during feeding d. dig holes in the soil and lay eggs

72. Which of the following is not a worm phylum? a. Trematoda b. Annelida c. Platyhelminthes d. Nematoda

73. Unlike DNA, RNA a. contains the sugar ribose b. contains the nitrogen containing base thymine c. does not contain nitrogen containing base uracil d. is a polymer made up of nucleotides

74. Terrestrial snails and slugs belong to the class a. cephalopoda b. bivalvia c. gastropoda d. annelida

75. A group of similar cells organized into a functional unit is called a. an organ b. specialized cells c. a tissue d. a nervous system

76. Humans become infected with tapeworms when they a. wade in contaminated water b. wald barefoot on contaminated soil c. eat undercooked meat containing tapeworm cysts d. drink water containing tapeworm eggs

77. Euglena is and example of a protist that a. is a parasitic heterotropy b. is always autotrophic c. swims away from light d. is both autotrophic and heterotrophic

78.Which of the following protists moves by means of cilia? a. sporozoan b. euglena c. paramecium d. amoeba

79. Bees perform the round dance to inform other bees of a. the type of food they have located b. the distance to a food source from the hive c. the presence of food d. the direction of a food source from the hive

80. A characteristic structure found in many mollusks is the radula, which is involved in a. eating b. reproduction c. jet propulsion d. opening and closing shells

81. The immature form of an insect that undergoes incomplete metamorphosis is called a a. pupa b. nymph c. caterpillar d. drone

82. Scientists believe that the earliest adult echinoderms were a. radially symmetrical and capable of moving about b. bilaterally symmetrical and sessile c. bilaterally symetrical and capable of moving about d. radially symmetrical and sessile

83. One section of a tapeworm is known as a a. nephridium b. scolex c.cuticle d. proglottid

84. Which of the following best describes members of the Kingdom Protista? a . they are multicellular and prokaryotic b. they are unicelluar and prokaryotic c. they are unicellular and eukaryotic d. they are multicellular and eukaryotic

85. Colloblast are a. medusae that live in colonies b. stages in the life cycle of a jellyfish c. cells that draw water through a spongs d. cells that secrete a sticky substance in ctenophores

86. Which of the following is correctly paired? a. phylum Mollusca - Octopus b. phylum Platyhelminthes- hydra c. phylum Nematoda- planaria d. phylum Annelida- roundworm

87. The feature in vertebrates that is an adaptation to life on land is a. kidneys b. a gut c. gills d. lungs

88. In a mycorrihiza a fungus lives in a symbiotic relationship with a a. plant b. bacterium c. virus d. slime mold

89. The earthworm has how many pairs of aortic arches ( hearts)? a. 5 b. 2 c. 3 d.4

90. Which of the following is a structure that insects do not share with spiders? a. abdomen b. chelilcera c. trachea d. malpighian tubule

91. An animal's ability to move results from the interrelationship between a. nervous tissue and muscle tissue b. dermal tissue and vascular tissue c. muscle tissue and vascular tissue d. vascular tissue and nerve tissue

92. Germ layers are found in all animals except a. vertebrates b. sponges c. cnidarians d. chordates

93. An organism that must have oxygen to survive is a. an obligate aerobe b. an obligate anaerobe c. a faculatative anaerobe d. a faculatative aerobe

94. Body parts form by the mesoderm include the a. nerve cord b. muscles c. skin d. pancreas

95. Fundamental tissue types in the embryo are called a. notochords b. pharyngeal pouches c. coeloms d. germ layers

96. The term anterior refers to the a. top surface of a bilateral animal b. front end of a bilateral animal c. bottom surface of a bilateral animal d. tail end of a bilateral animal

97. The formation of peptide bonds occurs a. between amino acids b. during DNA proofreading c. during transcription d. in the nucleus

98. Which of the following statements about tapeworms is false? a. they belong to the phylum Annelida b. They can grow to be large in the human intestines c. They infect a person who eats improperly cooked beef d. These flat worms do not have a digestive system

99. All echinoderms are a. terrestrial b. freshwater c. marine and freshwater d. marine

100. Organisms in which the blastopore develops into the anus are called a. protostomes b. gastrulae c. deuterostomes d. pseudocoelomates

101. The fluid-filled body cavity of an earthworm is called the a. peritoneum b. setae c. coelom d. mesoderm

102. Mollusks and annelids share all of the following characteristics except a. bilateral symmetry b. a coelom c. segmentation d. a trochophore larva

103. Tapeworms belong to the class a. cestoda b. turbellaria c. trematoda d. oligochaetae

104. Some corals and hydras exist in a symbiotic relationship with a. clownfish b. fungi c. algae d. amoebas

105. eutrophication is the result of a. bacterial conjugation b. pathogens c. population explosions d. antibiotics

106. Transcription occurs a. in the cytosol of eukaryotes b. at ribosomes in both eukaryotes and prokaryotes c. as the last step in protein synthesis d. in the nucleus of eukaryotes

107. The pattern of base pairing in DNA can be summarized as follows: a. any purine can pair with any pyrimidine b. adenine pairs with guanine c. adenine pairs with thymine and guanine pairs with cytosine d. purines pair with purines

108. Most scientists believe that protist evolve from a. euglenoids b. trypanosomes c. prokaryotes d. free-living worms

109.Transporting amino acids to ribosomes for assembly into needed proteins is the function of a. DNA b. rRNA c. Trna d. mRNA

110. The process that takes place as the zygote begins to divide immediately after fertilization is a. meiosis b. organ formation c.cleavage d. gastrulation

111. Annelilds are divided into three classes based partly on the number of a. aoritc arches b. setae c. segments d. nephridia

112. Which of the following structures does the earthworm use to swallow food? a. crop b. pharynx c. gizzard d. esophagus

113. One structure you would not find in a bacterial cell is a a. cell wall b. mitochondria c. chromosome d. cell membrane

114. The substance called queen factor a. attracts drones b. causes worker bees to form swarms c. prevents female larvae from becoming sexually active d. causes female larvae to develop into queen bees

115. Which of the following animals is not a cnidarian? a. hydra b. planaria c. coral d. jellyfish

116. Sea anemones are a. medusae b. larvae c. eggs d. polyps

117. An arthropod sheds its old exoskeleton when a. the old exoskeleton wears out b. a hormone is produced that induces molting c. the new exoskeleton exerts pressure on the epidermis d. the animal is 1-2 years old

118. Compounds eyes a. are located on the abdomen b. have a single lens c. are found in all arthropods except crustaceans d. are composed of many individual light detectors

119. The protrozoan that causes malaria reproduces in the a. intestine of humans b. stinger of a mosquito c. red blood cells of a mosquito d. red blood cells of a human

120. The process by which two living bacteria bind together and transfer genetic information is called a. transduction b. transformation c. conjugation d. encapsulation

121. Flatworms have no need for a circulatory and respiratory system because a. their cells are close to the animal's exterior and interior surfaces b. the digestive system performs these functions c. the coelom is bathed in blood and oxygen d. the spherical body shape allows diffusion of materials into tissues

122. The class of echinoderms whose members most closely resemble the fossils of ancestral echinoderms is a. echinoidea b. holothuroidea c. crinoidea d. asteroidea

123. African sleeping sickness is transmitted by a. muskrats b. kissing bugs c. tsetse flies d. anopheles mosquitoes

124. The common edible mushroom found in your grocery store is classifed in the Phylum a. Basidiomycota b. Oomycota c. Ascomycota d.Zygomycota

125. Amoebas move by means of a. flagella b. cilia c. pseudopodia d. microvilli

126. The central cavity of the blastula is called a a. gastrula b. blastopore c. blastocoel d. coelom

127. The earthworm has a(n) ______________ nerve cord. a. dorsal b. ventral c. posterior d. anterior

128. The earthworm's main organ of excretion is the a. crop b. gizzard c. dorsal blood vessel d. nephridia

129. Fungi that feed on decaying organic matter are said to be a. mutualistic b. symbiotic c. saprophytic d. parasitic

130. Thermoacidophiles are a. cyanobacteria b. archaebacteria c. spirochetes d. eubacteria

131. The larva of echinoderms show a. pentamerous radial symmetry b. radial symmetry c. bilateral symmetry d. spherical symmetry

132. The glycocalyx helps bacteria a. stick to surfaces b. surive unfavorable conditions c. ingest food d. metabolize gaseous nitrogen

133. Freshwater crustaceans include a. barnacles and water fleas b. water fleas and crayfish c. copepods and barnacles d. crayfish and sow bugs

134. Scientist infer that the first inveretbrates evolved from a. colonial protists b. simple vertebrates c. losely connected fungi d. large groups of bacteria

135. The basic body plan of an earthworm a. is a tube within a tube b. is similar to a long tube c. consists of joined legs d. can be compared to a cork screw

136. Adult sponges are sessile, which means that they a. use jellylike substance for body support b. produce both sperm and egg c. attach to a surface and do not move d. have no gastrula stage

137. Flame cells a. produce eggs b. produce sperm c. collect excess water d. respond to light

138. An example of segmentation in humans is the a. vertebral column b. skin c. digestive system d. brain

139. a crayfish has teeth in its a. uropods b. esophagus c. stomach d. green glands

140. The contractile vacuole of a paramecium is used for a. gathering food b. the digestion of food particles c. getting rid of excess water d. respiration

141. Imagine an arthropod consisting of 40 segments. The greatest number of legs is expected if that arthropod is a a. spider b. millipede c. centipede d. scorpion

142. Rod-shaped bacteria are called a. spirilli b. halophiles c. cocci d. bacilli

143. The digestive tube of the earthworm is divided into three regions. which of the following is not among these regions? a. heart b. gizzard c. crop d. intestines

144. A planarian uses its pharynx to help it a. reproduce b. respond to light c. move d. feed

145. Pseudopodia are extensions of a sarcodine's a. test b. cilia c. pellicle d. cytoplasm

146. A sea star's nervous system does not include a a. nerve net b. radial nerves c. nerve ring d. brain

147. An insect's legs and wings are attached to its a. abdomen b. thorax c. head d. labrum

148. A vase shaped, sessile form of a Cnidarian is called a a. polyp b. hermaphrodite c. vacuole d. medusa

149. A hydra shows a. bilateral symmetry b. spherical symmetry c. asymmetry d. radial symmetry

150. The walls that separate cells in fungal hyphae are known as a. rhizoids b. gills c. septa d. asci

151. The physical structure of the genetic code is DNA's sequence of a. phosphates b. sugars c. hydrogen bonds d. nitrogen bases

152. Covalent bonds are found a. between nucleotide chains b. between prurines and pyrimidines c. the sugar phosphate backbone d. between RNA and DNA

153. The small bone like particles made of calcium carbonate or silica dioxide are called a. spicules b. collar cells c. tentacles d. spines

154. Which of the following types of bacterial would you most likely find in very salty water? a. chemoautotroph b. thermoacidophile c. cyanobacteria d. extreme halophile

155. Platyhelminthes have a. two germ layers and no body cavity b. three germ layers and no body cavity c. three germ layers and no coelom d. three germ layers and a pseudocoelom

156. The repeating units of the backbone are called a. vertebrae b. the notochord c. the exoskeleton d. the integument

157. the moist skin of an amphibian functions as a . structure for conserving water b. a respiratory organ c. a rigid exoskeleton d. an insulation material

158. Adult tunicates have a. a notochord b. a postanal tail c. a pharynx with slits d. a dorsal nerve cord

159. A nucleotide consists of a a. sugar,a phosphate, and a nitrogen containing base b. sugar, a protein, and adenine c. sugar , an amino acid, and starch d. starch, a phosphate group, and a nitrogen containing base

160. Echinoderms lack all of the following organ systems except a. an excretory system b. a digestive system c. a circulatory system d. a respiratory system

161. Sponges obtain food by a. using spongin b. photosynthesis c. by filtering small organisms from the water d. using their spicules to paralyze protozoa

162. Millipedes have a. long antennae b. a waxy exoskeleton c. a flattened body d. two pairs of legs on most body segments

163. Mites and ticks differ from spiders by having a. mandibles b. a unique respiratory system c. a fused cephalothorax and abdomen d. two pairs of antennae

164. In addition to protozoa and algae, the kingdom Protista contains organisms called a. slime molds b. diatoms c. dinoflagellates d. euglenoids

165. Lichens represent symbiotic associations of fungi and a. water molds b. green algae c. roundworms d. roots

166. One difference between scorpions and spiders is that scorpions a. have large pincerlike pedipalps b. do not have an abdomen c. are not venomous d. are herbivores

167. The structures that propel ctenophores through the water are a. colloblasts b. polyps c. rows of cilia d. apical organs

168. The phenomenon known as red tide is caused by a population explosion of a. diatoms b. water molds c. dinoflagellates d. red algae

169. Malaria is transmitted by a. Anopheles mosquitoes b. Kissing bugs c. Trypanosoma cruzi d. Tsetse flies

170. In a sea star, gas exchange and excretion of wastes take place by diffusion through the walls of the a. radial canals b. atriopore c. pharynx d. skin gills

171. Flagella are characteristic of members of the phylum a. Ciliophora b. Sarcodina c.Sporozoa d. Zoomastigina

172. Which of the following statements about tapeworms is false? a. they belong to the genus Schistosoma b. They infect a person who eats improperly cooked beef c. these flatworms don not have a digestive system d. they can grow to large in human intestines

173. The cnidarian body form that is specialized for swimming is called a a. polyp b. planula c. blastula d. medusa

174. Protozoan habitats are characterized by the presence of a. algae b. moisture c. host organisms d. blood

175. The major respiratory organs of crayfish are the a. lungs b. trachea c. gills d. book lungs

176. The subphylum Crustacea includes the a. ticks b. spiders c. insects d. crayfish

177. The clitellum of the earthworm a. is necessary for movement b. acts as a primitive respiratory system c. contains the heart d. is associated with reproduction

178. Genetic recombination in bacteria can occur during the process of a. binary fission b. heterocyst formation c. endospore production d. conjugation

179. Gram-positive bacteria stain a. blue b. purple c. red d. pink

180. Unlike animals, fungi a. have cell walls made of cellulose without chitin b. do not store their energy in the form of glycogen c. ingest their nutrients before digesting them d. secrete enzymes and then absorb the digested nutrients through their cell walls

181.Hermaphroditic organisms a. reproduce only by asexual means b. produce both sperm and eggs c. have only eggs d. have gemmules that are fertilized by amoebocytes

182. The branch of biology that names and groups organisms according to their characteristics and evolutionary history is a. phylogeny b. embryology c. morphology d. taxonomy

183. Spongin and spicules are important to a sponge because they a. remove wastes b. trap food c. produce offspring d. provide support

184. Spiders feed mainly on a. plants b. insects c. decayed matter d. other spiders

185. DNA a. produces carbohydrates b. encodes the information needed for making proteins within the cell c. directs RNA to make lipids that are needed by the cell d. directs RNA to produce glucose

186. Flukes are protected against the host's immune system by a. flame cells b. a layer of cilia c. an endoskeleton d. the tegument

187. The larva that is characteristic of most mollusks and some annelids is the a. bipinaria larva b. trochophore larva c. bilateral larva d. tornaria larva

188. Which of the following is not a feature of chordates? a. dorsal nerve cord b. gill slits c. a notochord d. two germ layers

189. Bacteria are the only organisms characterized as a. unicellular b. prokaryotic c. photosynthetic d. eukaryotic

190. A planaria uses its pharynx to help it a. respond to light b. reproduce c. feed d. move

191. Book lings help spiders respire on land by a. preventing water loss b. carrying air directly to tissues b. providing a large surface area for the exchange of gases d. allowing for diffusion of Carbon Dioxide into the cells

192. Ciliates, such as Paramecium have a. parasitic life cycles that involve mosquitoes b. complex array of organelles c. hard outer tests d. silicon dioxide in their cell membranes

193. Earthworms respire by means of a.lungs b. gills c.nephridia d. diffusion across the skin

194. A pellicle is a characteristic of the a. sporozoans b. zooflagellates c. sarcodines d. ciliates

195. The primary basis for classifying sponges is a. their color b. the method by which they reproduce c. their shape d. the composition of their skeleton

196. The class Ophiuroidea consists of a. sea stars b. sea cucumbers c. sea urchins and sand dollars d. basket stars and brittle stars

197. "Jet propulsion" is the usual means of locomotion in water for a. gastropods b. arthropods c.echinoderms d. cephalopods

198. Many types of algae have flagellated reproductive cells called a. sporangia b. zygospores c. zoospores d.sporophytes

199. Which of the following structures is involved in temporary food storage in the earthworm? a. gizzard b. pharynx c. crop d. intestine

200. The only mollusk with a closed circulatory system are a. bivalves b. cephalopods c. gastropods d. snails

In addition to the 200 multiple choice questions on your final there will be a diagram section with 24 questions.These diagrams will deal with the following:

  • Shape of bacteria

  • The method of movement in Protozoans

  • The anatomy of the Paramecium

  • The features of the mushroom

  • radial vs. bilateral symmetry

  • The extenal anatomy of a crayfish

  • The sturctures of the earthworm respiratory system

  • The external anatomy of the grasshopper

  • Recognizing representatives of each major invertebrate phylum